Sustainability and Renewable Energy Challenge Winners
MathWorks announces the winners of the 2024 Sustainability and Renewable Energy Challenge. Congratulations and thanks to all the participating students.
1st Place
Arad Soutehkeshan
University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
Challenge Project completed: Smart Watering System with Internet of Things
Arad submitted a Smart Watering System with IoT and Neural Network that aims to optimize water usage for plant care by integrating real-time monitoring and AI-based predictive modeling. Using a comprehensive setup of sensors and actuators, along with a Raspberry Pi board, the system continuously monitors soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and light intensity. The trained neural network predicts the precise water requirements to ensure optimal plant health, efficiently managing water resources.
The project leverages ThingSpeak™ for seamless data transmission and MATLAB® for advanced data visualization, analysis, and automated system responses, such as alert notifications for critical plant conditions.
By submitting this innovative solution, Arad demonstrated a profound understanding of sustainable water management and the application of IoT and AI technologies. Congratulations to Arad for his winning project in this edition of the sustainability and renewable energy challenge!
2nd Place
Martins Adaboh
Imperial College, United Kingdom
Challenge Project completed: Energy Management for a 2-Motor BEV using Model-Predictive Control
Martins’ solution focuses on optimizing torque distribution in a two-motor battery electric vehicle (BEV). Utilizing Simulink® and the Model Predictive Control Toolbox™, Martins developed a nonlinear model predictive controller (MPC) to achieve a 50:50 torque split, improving efficiency in urban settings. By integrating rule-based logic with the MPC, Martins further enhanced performance across various drive cycles, demonstrating notable efficiency gains.
This project highlights Martins' innovative approach and deep understanding of advanced control strategies, significantly contributing to sustainable transportation solutions. Congratulations to Martins for his outstanding achievement!
3rd Place
Kanak Sharma
National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India
Challenge Project completed: Solar Tracker Control Simulation
Kanak submitted a Simulink simulation of a dual-axis solar tracker controller designed to maximize sunlight exposure. Kanak developed a system that dynamically adjusts solar panel orientation to follow the sun's path, significantly boosting energy capture. This project addresses the growing demand for efficient solar tracking technology, crucial for improving solar power system efficiency.
Kanak's approach demonstrates notable energy capture improvements over fixed panels, highlighting its potential for both large-scale and residential applications. Congratulations to Kanak for his remarkable contribution to advancing sustainable energy solutions!