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Copy a Course

Copying a course allows you to use an existing course as a template for new courses. You might find this useful if you are teaching multiple sessions of the same course, but want to make some changes to each session.

  1. From your MATLAB® Grader™ home page, select a course you want to copy from current or past courses.

  2. Click Actions next to the course title and select Copy.

  3. In the confirmation dialog box, click Copy to copy the course.

    The Copy action opens an exact copy of the course (including assignments and problems) that you can start editing immediately. No changes are made to the original.

If you need to change ownership of a course, Contact Support to request a change in course ownership. Provide the URL to the course, the email associated with the current owner’s MathWorks® Account, and the email associated with the new owner’s MathWorks Account.

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