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Connect to BeagleBone Black Hardware

Create Connection to a Board

Use the beaglebone function to create a connection to BeagleBone® Black hardware and assign the connection to a object. Later, you can use the object to interact with BeagleBone Black hardware and peripherals.

For example, enter:

bbb = beaglebone
bbb = 

  beaglebone with properties:

           DeviceAddress: ''
               BoardName: 'BeagleBone Black Rev 00C0'
           AvailableLEDs: {'USR0'  'USR1'  'USR2'  'USR3'}
    AvailableDigitalPins: {1x29 cell}
     AvailableAnalogPins: {'AIN0'  'AIN1'  'AIN2'  'AIN3'  'AIN4'  'AIN5'  'AIN6'}
        AvailablePWMPins: {}
    AvailableSPIChannels: {}
       AvailableI2CBuses: {'i2c-1'}
    AvailableSerialPorts: {}
        AvailableWebcams: {} 

In this example:

  • The beaglebone function uses the device address, user name, and password from the most recent connection to the BeagleBone Black hardware.

  • The object, bbb, displays properties from the BeagleBone Black hardware.

For more information about using the object to control and exchange data with the BeagleBone Black hardware and peripherals, see:

Create Connection to a Board That Has Different Settings

To connect to BeagleBone Black hardware that has a different device address, user name, or password from the previous connection, use beaglebone with arguments.

For example:

bbb2 = beaglebone('','myusername','mypassword')
bbb2 = 

  beaglebone with properties:

           DeviceAddress: ''
               BoardName: 'BeagleBone Black Rev 00C0'
           AvailableLEDs: {'USR0'  'USR1'  'USR2'  'USR3'}
    AvailableDigitalPins: {1x29 cell}
     AvailableAnalogPins: {'AIN0'  'AIN1'  'AIN2'  'AIN3'  'AIN4'  'AIN5'  'AIN6'}
        AvailablePWMPins: {}
    AvailableSPIChannels: {}
       AvailableI2CBuses: {'i2c-1'}
    AvailableSerialPorts: {}
        AvailableWebcams: {} 

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