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Reading data from text file

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Swarnava Pramanik
Swarnava Pramanik el 5 de Abr. de 2015
Cerrada: MATLAB Answer Bot el 20 de Ag. de 2021
14 3 10 0 0 0.0000000 0 10G23G
-8457358.99847 -6354976.40646 23724268.7484 23724276.1674 23724268.796
46.0004 41.0004
-18653321.28149 -14517343.77248 20846096.1784 20846105.0924 20846095.986
56.0004 51.0004
I have the above text file where the data from (-8457358.99847 to 41.0004) corresponds to the data of number '10G' present in the first line and the data from (-18653321.28149 to 51.0004) corresponds to the data of number '23G' present in the first line. This is only a portion of the text file.
I want to store the data in a structure so that I can used them for my other computation. Please kindly advice how can I read and store the data from the text file.
Swarnava Pramanik
  1 comentario
Stephen23 el 6 de Abr. de 2015
Editada: Stephen23 el 6 de Abr. de 2015
It would be much more reliable if you simply uploaded the textfile, and we could try it out ourselves. You can edit your question and upload the data file using the paperclip button.
You say that "This is only a portion of the text file", and so it would be very useful to know what the complete file looks like. Please upload it.

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