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I am getting this error - "Error in main (line 67) [CA,Temperature, Pressure, BurnedFR, Tburned, Tunburned,Volume,..."
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This is the code
clc; clear all; close all %% ============================================================== %% %% 2015 winter ME-AE 596 Term project %% %% Main program to run SIM596 %% %% ==============================================================
%% NOTE % Define user inputs below. % Press F5 in the Editor or type 'main' in the command window to run the % simulation
%% =============================================================== %% Set user input parameter for SImulink Model. %% ===============================================================
%% Relative error tolerance of simulink % In case of SIMULINK solver error which requires tightening the error tolerances RELTOL=1e-4; %default is 1e-4 incase of the error use 1e-5.
%% Engine Spec
BORE=0.088;% (m) STROKE=0.097;% (m) CONRL=0.145;% connecting rod length (m) CMRTIO=10.5; % compression ratio
%% Operating Conditions % ambient condition PATM = 1.0; % (bar) TATM = 298; % (K)
% engine operating conditions ERPM=3000; % engine RPM EQUIV=1.0; % Equivalence ratio of intake manifold. TSPARK=-22.0; % Spark timing (CA deg ATDC)
% intake/exhaust condition PIM=1.0; % intake manifold pressure in bar TIM=310 ; % intake manifold temperature in K PEM=1.0; % exhaust manifold pressure in bar
% EGR setting EGR=0.0; % EGR mass fraction (should be less than 1, recommanded not to exceed 0.2 (20%)) EGRT=473; % K, EGR supply temperature (after EGR cooler)
% fuel octane number (RON+MON)/2 ON=87; % Maximum rating 100
%% =============================================================== %% =============================================================== %% Simulation part. Do not modify code below. %% =============================================================== %% ===============================================================
%% building the input array for simulation SIMinput=[RELTOL,BORE,STROKE,CONRL,CMRTIO,PATM,TATM,ERPM,EQUIV,TSPARK,... PIM,TIM,PEM,EGR,EGRT,ON]; %% running the simulation [CA,Temperature, Pressure, BurnedFR, Tburned, Tunburned,Volume,... IMEP, ISFC, VOLEFI, VOLEFA,knockCA, knockXb]=SIM596(SIMinput);
%% =============================================================== %% Collect outputs from simulation %% =============================================================== HighSpeedOut=[CA,Temperature, Pressure, BurnedFR, Tburned, Tunburned,Volume]; LowSpeedOut=[ IMEP, ISFC, VOLEFI, VOLEFA,knockCA, knockXb];
% HighSpeedOut parameters % CA: crank angle % Temperature: Instantaneous temperature of global cylinder % Pressure: Instantaneousglobal pressure % BurnedFR: Instantaneousburned mass fraction % Tburned: Instantaneousburned zone temeprature % Tunburned: Instantaneousunburned zone temperature % Volume: Instantaneousvolume of cylinder
% LowSpeedOut parameters % IMEP: indicated mean effective pressure (bar) % ISFC: indecated specific fuel consumption (g/kW-h) % VOLEFI: volumetric efficiency relative to intake condition % VOLEFA: volumetric efficiency relative to ambient condition % knockCA: spark timing of knock timing % knockXb: burned mass fraction at knock timing %% =============================================================== %% Write output in file %% ===============================================================
run genoutput
%% =============================================================== %% END OF SIMULATION %% ===============================================================
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el 8 de Abr. de 2015
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