Filled error bars to a plot
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el 24 de Abr. de 2024
I have been trying to create some error bars in my MATLAB script. However, I think there are some problems. I have made a figure with three plots, and I wish to have "filled" error bars for the DO and pH. Additionally, the error bars for biomass have lines between the points, which I don't know how to remove. It would be nice if only the error bars were present.
I have inserted the code to my plot and data. Excel file is attached aswell.
growth = readtable("growthWT2.xlsx")
time = [growth.Time_h_];
timeOD = [growth.Time_h__1];
DO_1 = [growth.O21];
DO_2 = [growth.O22];
DO_3 = [growth.O23];
mean_DO = [growth.MeanO2];
S_DO = [DO_1 DO_2 DO_3];
stand_DO = std(S_DO,0,2);
pH_1 = [growth.pH1];
pH_2 = [growth.pH2];
pH_3 = [growth.pH3];
mean_pH = [growth.meanPH];
S_pH = [pH_1 pH_2 pH_3];
stand_pH = std(S_pH,0,2);
Bio_1 = [growth.biomass1];
Bio_2 = [growth.biomass2];
Bio_3 = [growth.biomass3];
mean_bio = [growth.MeanBio];
S_bio = [Bio_1 Bio_2 Bio_3];
stand_bio = std(S_bio,0,2);
% mean values
t = tiledlayout(2,1);
yyaxis left
fill([time, flip(time)], [mean_DO+stand_DO, flip(mean_DO-stand_DO)], 'b', 'FaceAlpha', 0.3, 'EdgeColor', 'none')
hold on
plot(time, mean_DO, 'b')
yyaxis right
fill([time, flip(time)], [mean_pH+stand_pH, flip(mean_pH-stand_pH)], 'r', 'FaceAlpha', 0.3, 'EdgeColor', 'none')
hold on
plot(time,mean_pH, 'r')
legend('DO', 'DO Std Dev' ,'pH', 'pH Std dev')
hold on
errorbar(timeOD, mean_bio, stand_bio)
ylabel('Biomass [g/L]')
legend('Biomass', 'Biomass Std Dev')
title(t,'Growth parameters of PR01 average value')
xlabel(t,'Time [h]')
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el 24 de Abr. de 2024
Editada: Voss
el 24 de Abr. de 2024
growth = readtable("growthWT2.xlsx");
time = growth.Time_h_; % no [ ] required
timeOD = growth.Time_h__1;
DO_1 = growth.O21;
DO_2 = growth.O22;
DO_3 = growth.O23;
mean_DO = growth.MeanO2;
S_DO = [DO_1 DO_2 DO_3];
stand_DO = std(S_DO,0,2);
pH_1 = growth.pH1;
pH_2 = growth.pH2;
pH_3 = growth.pH3;
mean_pH = growth.meanPH;
S_pH = [pH_1 pH_2 pH_3];
stand_pH = std(S_pH,0,2);
Bio_1 = growth.biomass1;
Bio_2 = growth.biomass2;
Bio_3 = growth.biomass3;
mean_bio = growth.MeanBio;
S_bio = [Bio_1 Bio_2 Bio_3];
stand_bio = std(S_bio,0,2);
% mean values
t = tiledlayout(2,1);
yyaxis left
% use vertical concatenation [;] instead of horizontal [,] since the
% vectors are column vectors. otherwise, you get two patches per fill()
% call.
% also, capture the object returned by each fill() and patch() call, for
% specifying the order in the legend correctly
pDO = fill([time; flip(time)], [mean_DO+stand_DO; flip(mean_DO-stand_DO)], 'b', 'FaceAlpha', 0.3, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
hold on
lDO = plot(time, mean_DO, 'b');
yyaxis right
pPH = fill([time; flip(time)], [mean_pH+stand_pH; flip(mean_pH-stand_pH)], 'r', 'FaceAlpha', 0.3, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
hold on
lPH = plot(time,mean_pH, 'r');
% specify the order of the objects (lines and patches) for the legend
legend([lDO pDO lPH pPH],{'DO', 'DO Std Dev' ,'pH', 'pH Std dev'})
hold on
% specify no line for the errorbar
errorbar(timeOD, mean_bio, stand_bio, 'LineStyle','none')
ylabel('Biomass [g/L]')
legend('Biomass', 'Biomass Std Dev')
title(t,'Growth parameters of PR01 average value')
xlabel(t,'Time [h]')
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