Dear all, I am having a problem with the code enclosed. I can not get any results of the for loop as the results of for loop still zeros plus plotting these results. Any help please.

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K = 273.15; % conversion constant Celcius to Kelvin
Tev = 10+K;
Tcond = 40+K;
%Tgen = 200+K;
delT = .1;
dT = delT*2;
Mz = 1; %mass of zeolite in kg. Bed1 and Bed2 have equal masses
Cz = 0.920; %specific heat of zeolite [kJ/kg K]
Cw = 4.187; %specific heat of water [kJ/kg K]
Cv = 1.85; %specific heat of water vapor [kJ/kg K]
Pcond =(Tcond-K);
Pev =(Tev-K);
%Maximum Adsorbate/Adsorbent ratio is found by using evaporator
%temperature (Tev) and adsorption equilibrium equation function AdsW.
run = 40;
Qreg = zeros(run,1);
Qads = zeros(run,1);
Qsa = zeros(run,1);
Qsve = zeros(run,1);
Qe = zeros(run,1);
Qa = zeros(run,1);
Qa1 = zeros(run,1);
Qic1 = zeros(run,1);
Qd1 = zeros(run,1);
Qtot = zeros(run,1);
COP = zeros(run,2);
Ta1 = zeros(run,1);
T1new = zeros(run,1);
Thot = zeros(run,1);
count = zeros(run,1);
count2 = zeros(run,1);
WWmin = zeros(run,1);
sayac = zeros(run,1);
Temp = zeros(run,1);
Tint = zeros(run,2);
Ta2new = zeros(run,1);
P_hot = zeros(run,1);
P_cool = zeros(run,1);
threshold = 0.01;
regtemp = 59; %initial regeneration temperature
function AdsW = AdsW(Tgen,Pcond)
for i = 1:length (run)
Tgen = regtemp+K+i;
Wmin = AdsW1_TP(Tgen,Pcond);
%assuming adsorption temp (Ta2) is equal to Tcond
Wmax = AdsW1_TP(Tcond,Pev);
Tg1 = AdsW3_PW(Pcond,Wmax);
Ta2 = AdsW3_PW(Pev,Wmax);
Ta1(i) = AdsW3_PW(Pev,Wmin);
WWmin(i) = Wmin;
T1new(i) = Ta2; %Bed 1 is assumed to be cool
count2(i) = (Tgen-Ta1(i))/delT;
Qdes = 0;
Qsd = 0;
W2 = Wmin;
W1 = Wmax;
Ta2new(i) = Ta2; %used in modeling mass recovery
%Mass Recovery Process
for T=Tgen:-delT:(Ta1+delT)
delW = (Cz + W2*Cw)*delT / AdsH(W2);
Wnew = W2-delW;
if ((abs((W2-Wnew)/W2)) > threshold)
delW = (Cz + (W2-delW/2)*Cw)*delT / AdsH(W2-delW/2);
Wnew = W2-delW;
P_hot(i) = AdsW2_TW(T,Wnew);
A = (AdsH(W1+delW/2)*delW)/(Cz + (W1+delW/2)*Cw);
T_cool = Ta2new(i) + A;
Ta2new(i) = T_cool;
P_cool(i) = AdsW2_TW(T_cool,W1+delW/2);
W1 = W1+delW/2;
W2 = W2-delW/2;
if(P_cool(i) > P_hot(i))
T1new(i) = AdsW3_PW(P_cool(i),W1);
Tint(i) = T1new(i);
Tg1 = AdsW3_PW(Pcond,W1);
Tgen = AdsW3_PW(P_hot(i),W2);
Wmin = W2;
Wmax = W1;
%Heat Recovery Process
for T=Tgen:-delT:(Ta2+delT)
Thot(i) = T;
Qic = 0;
if (T > T1new(i) && T1new(i) < Tg1) %defines isosteric cooling
%Isosteric cooling process for BED2 (3->4) in P-T-w diagram
Qic = Mz*(Cz + Cw*Wmin)*(delT);
Qic1(i) = Qic1(i) + Qic;
%Isosteric heating process for BED1 (1->2) in P-T-w diagram
T1new(i) = T1new(i) + Qic / (Mz*(Cz + Cw*Wmax));
% count(i) = count(i)+1;
elseif (T > T1new(i) && T1new(i) > Tg1)
%Resorption process (2->3) in P-T-w diagram
W_before = AdsW1_TP(T,Pev);
W_after = AdsW1_TP((T-delT),Pev);
%Average heat of desorption for each step
H_avg = (AdsH(W_before) + AdsH(W_after))/2;
%heat relased as a result of desorption
Qads(i) = Mz*H_avg*(W_after-W_before);
%heat released as a result of sensible cooling
Qsa(i) = Mz*(Cz + Cw*(W_after-W_before))*delT;
%heat absorbed as a result of heating up the vapor from
%evaporation to adsorption temperature
Qsve(i) = Mz*(W_after-W_before)*Cv*((0.5*(b(W_after)/...
Qa(i) = Qads(i) + Qsa(i) - Qsve(i);
Qa1(i) = Qa1(i) + Qads(i) + Qsa(i) - Qsve(i);
for Tvar=T1new(i):(dT/k):(T1new(i)+dT)
if (Qa(i) > Qd1(i))
W_before = AdsW1_TP(Tvar,Pcond);
W_after = AdsW1_TP((Tvar+dT/k),Pcond);
%Average heat of desorption for each step
H_avg = (AdsH(W_before) + AdsH(W_after))/2;
%heat of desorption
Qdes = Qdes + Mz*H_avg*(W_before-W_after);
%sensible heat
Qsd = Qsd + Mz*(Cz + Cw*(W_before-W_after))*(dT/k);
Qd1(i) = Qdes + Qsd;
sayac(i) = sayac(i)+1;
T1new(i) = T1new(i)+ (sayac(i)*(dT/k));
break %recovery process finished
Temp(i) = T;
Qreg(i) = Qic1(i) + Qa1(i);
%intermiitent cycle (heat necessary without heat recovery)
Tgen = regtemp+K+i;
%Wmax = AdsW1_TP(Tcond, Pev);
Wmin = AdsW1_TP(Tgen,Pcond);
%Tg1 = AdsW3_PW(Pcond,Wmax);
Qih = 0;
Qdes = 0;
Qsd = 0;
%Heat that must be supplied to the adsorbent for its isosteric heating
Qih = Qih + Mz*(Cz + Cw*Wmax)*(Tg1-Tint(i));
for T=Tg1:delT:(Tgen-delT)
W_before = AdsW1_TP(T,Pcond);
W_after = AdsW1_TP((T+delT),Pcond);
%Average heat of desorption for each step
H_avg = (AdsH(W_before) + AdsH(W_after))/2;
%heat of desorption
Qdes = Qdes + Mz*H_avg*(W_before-W_after);
Qsd = Qsd + Mz*(Cz + Cw*(W_before-W_after))*delT;
%From Cacciola & Restuccia "influence of HEX design...
LH2O = 3172-2.4425*Tev;
Qe(i) = Mz*(W1-W2)*(LH2O - Cw*(Tcond-Tev));
Qd = Qdes + Qsd;
Qtot(i) = Qd + Qih - Qreg(i);
COP(i,1) = Tgen-K;
COP(i,2) = Qe(i)/Qtot(i);
t = toc/60 %#ok<NOPTS>
i = 1:run;

Respuestas (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 26 de Dic. de 2018
Your code just simply assigns a bunch of variables and then quits. It never calls any of the functions in the file. Why not? That's why nothing gets plotted - you never called a function that will do any plotting.

Vova el 28 de Mzo. de 2019
Did you solve out the problem?


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