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Error: Too many output arguments

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
faheem ifti
faheem ifti el 14 de Mayo de 2019
Respondida: Walter Roberson el 14 de Mayo de 2019
I have a defined function:
function [ HrLPoints ] = harrislpls( img, TypeOfNBHOOD, NBHOOD, TypeOfCornerDetector, BorderDistance, ThreshType, HarrisThresh, k, Dilate, radius, sigma_nmbr, disp, SwitchWaitbars )
When i call this function from main file, i get an error message "Too many output arguments". All parameters/ variables are seemingly correctly passed to the function.
my Call to function is:
[ HrLPointsTmp1 ] = harrislpls( imgSimulated, TypeOfNBHOOD, NBHOOD, TypeOfCornerDetector, BorderDistanceMatrix, ThreshType, HarrisThresh, k, Dilate, radius, sigma_nmbr, disp, SwitchWaitbars );
  1 comentario
Stephen23 el 14 de Mayo de 2019
@faheem ifti: please show us the complete error message. This means all of the red text.

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Respuesta aceptada

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 14 de Mayo de 2019
disp is the name of a function that cannot have output. You should avoid using it as the name of a variable.

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