Problem 3077. Big numbers, least significant digits
Given two numbers, x and n, return the last d digits of the number that is calculated by x^n. In all cases, d will be the number of digits in x. Keep in mind that the n values in the examples are small, however the test suite values may be much larger. Also, any leading zeros in the final answer should be discounted (If d = 2 and the number ends in 01, just report 1)
Example #1:
- x = 23 (therefore d = 2)
- n = 2;
- 23^2 = 529;
- function will return 29
Example #2:
- x = 123; (therefore d = 3)
- n = 3;
- 123^3 = 1860867;
- function should return 867
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on 12 Mar 2015
If I'm reading the problem statement right, I think either the answer to test case 2 should be 867 (123^3 = 1860867.) or n=2 (123^2=15129).
Michael C.
on 13 Mar 2015
James, you are correct. Problem statement and test suite have been fixed.
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