28.619 resultados

Calculates Impulsive noise metrics for hazardous acoustic noise assessment.

MATLAB App that allows to control and monitor data to and from a Trinamic motor TMCM-1160

Beats MATLAB 300% - 400% in some cases ... really!

individual matrix multiplies to perform for the result. i.e., MTIMESX treats these cases as arrays of 2D matrices and performs the operation on the associated parings. For example: If A is (2,3,4,5) and B

Alphanumeric row sort of a cell/string/categorical/table array, with customizable number format.

; sortrows(A,[2,-3]) % SORTROWS for comparison.ans = 'B' '10' 'X' 'A' '100' 'X' 'A' '2' 'Y' 'B' '2' 'X' 'A' '20' 'X'>> natsortrows(A,[],[2,-3])ans = 'A' '2' 'Y' 'B' '2' 'X

Creates an N-dimensional sparse array object, for arbitrary N.

the class useful mainly for moderate dimensional things like edge detection in 3D imaging, where you often want to hold a sparse 3D edge map. USAGE: S=ndSparse(X) where X is an ordinary MATLAB sparse



por Samuel Cheng

It converts bibtex item to a formatted citation item.

(please read below for "installation"), simply copy bibtex entry to the upper box and click convert. The formatted citation will be displayed in the lower box. Installation============bibconv is just a

Alphanumeric sort of filenames or filepaths, with customizable number format.

HandsOn-SEA is a low cost robotic device enabling the students to interact with virtual environments

HandsOn-SEA is a 1-DoF admittance type device that features series elastic actuation. It uses a very a low cost force sensing unit and relies on the force feedback and the motion control of its motor

A simple tool to design Traveling Wave Slot Antennas (GUI)


Versión 1.7.1

por Jan

MD5 or SHA hash for array, struct, cell or file

DATAHASH - Hash for Matlab array, struct, cell or fileHash = DataHash(Data, Opts, ...) Data: Array of built-in types (U)INT8/16/32/64, SINGLE, DOUBLE (real or complex) CHAR, LOGICAL, CELL

A supplement to IMWRITE to write to TIF files of data types beyond int16.

original image file, and it can also be left empty. String DATATYPE specifies data type for the export. Supported data types include logical, uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, uint64, int64, single

Number to Words

Versión 4.1.4

por Stephen23

Convert a numeric to a string with the English name of the number value (GB/IN/US).

accepts a scalar of any standard numeric class: single, double, intX, or uintX. Integer types are parsed with their full precision, while floating types have internal precision limits to ensure the

Study of THD(%) Spectrum of a 12-Pulse Series Type Diode Rectifier.

MatLab object for segmenting sequences of real-valued data with noise, outliers and missing values.



por Salvador Gabarda

Matlab package of tools based on the pseudo-Wigner distribution (PWD) for digital image fusion.

TPROD -- efficiently allows any type of tensor product between 2 multi-dimensional arrays

used directly with the etprod wrapper script).This translates into tprod syntax as:Z = tprod(X,[-1 -2 1 2],Y,[3 4 -1 -2])N.B. if Y==[], then it is assumed to be a copy of X.This result is produced by

Multiple Complex Moving Average Calculations

Develop and refine regular expressions in an interactive figure that shows all of REGEXP's outputs.

IREGEXP is a simple interactive tool to help develop regular expressions. IREGEXP lets you interactively write regular expressions and see REGEXP's outputs update as you type.IREGEXP consists of just

Export objects described in a logical matrix, label matrix or voxel list to STL and PovRay mesh2.

a unix-like, very fast grep utility to find strings(s) in files of any type

a fast grep utility, which finds string pattern(s) in all or selected files of any type in a folder and its subfolders (if the recursion flag -r is set).file access and string matching are optimized



por Jan

RunLength coding as fast MEX and M-code

column vector. Types: (U)INT8/16/32/64, SINGLE, DOUBLE, LOGICAL, CHAR. B: Compressed data, neighboring elements with the same value are removed. B and X have the same types. N: Number of

Polar plots with handle graphics type parameter setting. Includes log radius support.

A small collection of utilities for stripping MATLAB comments from strings and files.



por Jan

A faster FILTER and FILTFILT: Speedup factor 2.5 to 25

acceleration of FiltFiltM, because it avoids to reverse the signal two times.)- For signals of type SINGLE, the intermediate values are stored in DOUBLE precision to increase the accuracy. The output is



por Robert Cumming

Compare any variables to detect difference in class, size and within a user defined tolerance

(default true) see also isequal isequalwithequalnans test_comparevars Example % create a structure with lots of difference data types A.data.level.x = [1 2 3]; A.data.level(2).x = [1 2 3

General Fisher Matrix Toolbox and GUI



por Charles Simpson

Return the number of bytes of a builtin data type.

Similar to the sizeof keyword in C, return the number of bytes of a builtin data type.Example: nbytes = sizeof('single');

Calculate elastic response spectra based on Eurocode 8

This script calculates the elastic response spectra based on Eurocode 8 Part1 (EN 1998-1 : 2004), for zones of seismicity of Type 1 or 2, and for ground types A, B, C, D and E. The output Response

Toolbox to access MATLAB Central APIs from MATLAB

A Wilcoxon-Type Test for Trend

Perform the Cuzick's test on trend.This function provides a Wilcoxon-type test for trend across a group of three or more independent random samples. Assumptions: Data must be at least ordinal

Explore data and use machine learning to predict the damage costs of storm events based on location, time of year, and type of event

The goal of this case study is to explore storm events in various locations in the United States and analyze the frequency and damage costs associated with different types of events. A machine

A Matlab/Simulink Library for the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems (IT2-FLS)

Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System ToolboxA Matlab/Simulink Library for the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems (IT2-FLS). The presented toolbox is presented in the following paper: Taskin, A. and

Generate unstructured meshes for general two-dimensional geometries.

. MESH2D provides simple and yet effective implementations of "Delaunay-refinement" and "Frontal-Delaunay" triangulation techniques, in additional to "hill-climbing" type mesh-optimisation. Support for

Flexible Statistics Data Analysis Toolbox

output of FSReda, Sregeda and MMregeda. fanplotFS can be used also to monitor the t-statisticscoming from FS or S or MM regression.New option corres inside resfwdplot. If corres is true a 3 panel plot

Affine projection and LMS implementations are checked for time taken for execution

Compression of Motion Capture Data (ASF/AMC format) using Discrete Wavelet Transform

OFDM Class

Versión 2.0

por Hamid Ramezani

OFDM_Class is a general infrastructure for any type of simulation of OFDM-systems

Implement interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems and a very efficient type-reduction algorithm.

This package contains the following files:example.m: Illustrates how to use the function IT2FLS.IT2FLS.m: Implements an interval type-2 fuzzy logic system.Type-1 and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy

Count the number of lines in the files using a perl code

Install the MinGW-w64 C/C++ compiler for Windows

with MinGW-w64 GCC can be called from MATLAB using MEX. This GCC compiler can also be helpful for other MathWorks products that require a C or C++ compiler. R2023b and later: MinGW 6.3 must be configured

Alphanumeric sort of a cell/string/categorical array, with customizable number format.

signs:>> B = {'test+NaN', 'test11.5', 'test-1.4', 'test', 'test-Inf', 'test+0.3'};>> sort(B) % for comparison.ans = 'test' 'test+0.3' 'test+NaN' 'test-1.4' 'test-Inf' 'test11.5'>> natsort(B

Load, save, make, reslice, view (and edit) both NIfTI and ANALYZE data on any platform

structure will be returned for NIfTI file, and ANALYZE structure will be returned for ANALYZE file.2. load_nii.m: Load N-Dimensional NIfTI file (where N can be from 3 to 7) or ANALYZE file (where N can be

This program calculates 8 image indices: Bias,Correlation,DIV,Entropy,ERGAS,Q,RASE and RMSE.

comparison of similar or processed images, of completely different origin. Every included function can be used separately.*For citation please go to bottom of description.*==================Program Structure

A simple but very effective combination of ELM and SRC.



por Volker Mehrmann

LYAPACK toolbox provides solutions for certain large scale problems related to Lyapunov equations.

Generates an n-dim matrix of random numbers between upper and lower bounds. Data type specification (integer, single, double) is available.

rand2 Generates an n-dimensional matrix of random numbers between upper and lower bounds. Data type specification (integer, single, double) is available.SyntaxX = rand2(a,b)X = rand2(a,b,[],type)X =

An implementation of Modified and Generalized Dunn's index for internal cluster validation.



por Jos (10584)

all combinations of two elements

NCHOOSE2 - all combinations of two elements Y = NCHOOSE2(X) returns all combinations of two elements of the array X. It is the fast, vectorized version of NCHOOSEK(X,2). X can be any type of array

This function spacial_predict does spatial prediction of the input image.

image(E_spatial) and the predicted image (PS) itself. The input image has to be of the format image(rows,cols) and should not be a 3D image or a RGB image.Example: file=('');plotflag=1;im = imread(file

This writes a VTK file (in binary format) for an unstructured tetrahedral mesh, including point data

Convert local time to UTC



por Andrew French

Wield the power of OpenGL and create ammonites, Klein bottles and curious spheria!

Companion Software


Versión 1.5.0

por Jan

Set figure size, top-most, transparency and pixel mask, multi-monitor etc by Windows API

are 100% transparent. 3. Placing figures on multi-monitor setups. 4. Clip region: draw only pixles inside a specified rectangle (e.g. splash screen). 5. Lock cursor: Especially for games it can be

pH alteration


por Joris Meurs

Function for calculation of the new pH after adding a strong acid or base

'conc_solution' and 'type' One output value: 'pH'pH_start: Initial pHV_start: Inital volume (mL)V_added: Added volume of acid/base (mL)conc_solution

example code and generic function for random forests (checks out of bag errors and leaf size)

MATLAB toolbox for control 101 course

: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs7mcKy_nInHEjth9P3m_bxd6D24IVSzzSeveral people have developed MATLAB based materials to support the teaching of “Control Systems 101” type courses; the particular focus here is on interactive and animated resources which are largely

MATLAB m-files to calculate vibrational overlap integrals between two nuclear wavefunctions.

correctly. All files were successfully tested on MATLAB Version 7.3 with the Symbolic Math Toolbox.

Tracking of multiple targets using particle filter. This was a redo from last work.

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