Jakob B. Nielsen
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Two functions having the same name but one being capital?
Well, it would appear from the evidence that Matlab is not case sensitive... I can't save duplicates of my functions with lower/...
más de 2 años hace | 1
Load variables into the workspace with app button
I think this one might answer your question too: https://se.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/452275-how-do-i-access-and-int...
más de 2 años hace | 0
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How to establish a range within a loop statement?
Sounds like you want to use a for loop, which executes for every specified value you put into the loop. The classic: for i=1:50...
casi 3 años hace | 0
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convert code to software
alrededor de 3 años hace | 0
Identical SQL query produces different result on two PCs
Hey MathWorks Community! I have a Matlab script which I cant share in exact detail with you in detail due to confidentiality, ...
alrededor de 3 años hace | 1 respuesta | 0
respuestaProblem tracking a value to plot.
You have a problem with indexing. Every time you say V=Vnew, your V is simply replaced with a new overwritten value. You have an...
más de 3 años hace | 0
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Finding the 95% fit on an exponential graph
There really should be a clever way to extract that info! I've looked at the cftool and I can't find an easy way. There is a rat...
casi 4 años hace | 0
how to get unique value of datetime and sum all of the value ?
Hi Muhannad, You have made a good start, you have a list of all unique dates in your unqdate. One thing I would recommend is to...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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How to insert a row and shift cells down in excel
I believe you can achieve this using Excel.Run('InsertRow'); you might have to have the relevant row selected before it works...
casi 4 años hace | 0
how to run a code to several files in a folder?
You can manage this using for loops, provided that your datafiles are named in an incremental manner. Example, you have 10 files...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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scatter plotting of string data
Check https://se.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/convert-table-variables-containing-strings-to-categorical.html
casi 4 años hace | 0
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average value of group of cells in a matrix
You are on the right track! You do, indeed, want to use two for loops, because you are trying to perform operations in two dimen...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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plotting data with a 1*1 struct
Just play around a little bit with how you call specific indices out of a structure, it will become easy once you get the hang o...
casi 4 años hace | 0
Uninstall older releases of MATLAB
If you navigate to C:\Program Files\MATLAB You should see a folder for each version you have installed. I find my uninstall in ...
casi 4 años hace | 2
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Colouring different regions on a graph.
Plot stepwise segments of your data? For example: data=1000*rand(1000,1); data=sort(data); x=1:1:1000; start=1; figure fo...
casi 4 años hace | 0
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sqlwrite object already exists
Greetings excellent people! (I am aware that a question already exists with roughly the same name, but it is several years old...
casi 4 años hace | 0 respuestas | 0
ActiveX interacting with dialogue boxes
Greetings, everyone! I routinely use activex to play around with excel files via matlab, but recently I've come across a bit o...
casi 4 años hace | 0 respuestas | 0
respuestasFor loop for a function
You construct the for loop like this: for i=1:size(age,2) %by referencing your age array, you can change the age values and it ...
alrededor de 4 años hace | 0
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how to combine two plots in one figure
In your code, you input the initial x and v during every loop iteration - not the most recent x and v. That is why you just get ...
alrededor de 4 años hace | 0
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Matlab compiler error during packaging - "no error"
Good day, fine community! I am experiencing a problem which has me kind of puzzled. I have created a GUI that I have succesful...
alrededor de 4 años hace | 2 respuestas | 0
respuestasHow can I create a listbox with the content of an structur/array?
You create the listbox inside a loop. That means every loop iteration, you make a listbox on your selected position with only th...
más de 4 años hace | 0
How to do Weighted Historical Simulation?
I think you just need to move your parantheses in the function, to contain the entire logic statement. function [VaR,n_tau] ...
más de 4 años hace | 0
Oscillations - Determining amplitude and frequency values
Take a look at the builtin fourier analysis which is just perfect for an application such as the one you describe.
casi 5 años hace | 0
How to publishing script with function
Your question is a little vague, but if you mean what I think you mean - namely to compile a script but for the compiled version...
casi 5 años hace | 0
plot values in the loop
do plot(k,d,'o-') instead, that will give you o's connected by lines.
casi 5 años hace | 0
Setting position of Annotation on an axes component
Hi Jason, When you get the position of an axes, the first and second index are the start location of your axes in the x and y d...
casi 5 años hace | 0
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Continue if file doesn't exist - pop_loadset
Use the exist or isfile functions. E.g. for i = sub for j = run if exist(['.../2_correctTriggers/',sprintf('p0%...
alrededor de 5 años hace | 2
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How do i create a variable as index for vector m for my code below.
Your issue is that if you make a for loop for 0.1 to 1000, and then use that same counter as an index, when you then type M(omeg...
alrededor de 5 años hace | 0
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plot vector with string timestamp
Take a look at the datetick function.
alrededor de 5 años hace | 0
Sum of signals and filter the sum and recuperate the inicial frequencies
Making the simulated signal is quite simple. First, make a vector t which covers the time domain you are interested in. Then, ge...
alrededor de 5 años hace | 1
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