
Datetime basics
Generate the datetime scalar representing the current date

5 días hace


Calendar Matrix
Return a calendar matrix for the given values of month and year. Assume that Sunday is the first day of the week. The resulting ...

5 días hace


Find the day for a date
Today's day and date will be given to you. By utilising that you need to find the day of the old date. (Date will be in DD/MM/YY...

5 días hace


Friday the 13th
According to superstition, lots of unpleasant stuff happens on Friday the 13th, so you might like to find the next occurence of ...

5 días hace


Day counter function
Write a function called day_counter that returns the number of Mondays that fell on the first day of the month in a given year b...

6 días hace


Count the days
Count the occurrence of a particular day (e.g. Monday) for a given duration.

6 días hace


How long until the weekend?
Write a function a that takes a date vector as an input and returns the number of hours until the weekend begins. The beginning...

6 días hace


Days until next NewYear ball drop
Given a date string in the form 'yyyy-mm-dd' or 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss', calculate the number of *days* until the dropping of the ...

6 días hace


Solve a System of Linear Equations
Example: If a system of linear equations in x₁ and x₂ is: 2x₁ + x₂ = 2 x₁ - 4 x₂ = 3 Then the coefficient matrix (A) is: 2 ...

6 días hace


Verify Law of Large Numbers
If a large number of fair N-sided dice are rolled, the average of the simulated rolls is likely to be close to the mean of 1,2,....

6 días hace


Roll the Dice!
Description Return two random integers between 1 and 6, inclusive, to simulate rolling 2 dice. Example [x1,x2] = rollDice(...

6 días hace


Weighted Gold/Silver Standard
Building off of the < Gold Standard> and <http://www.math...

6 días hace


Gold/Silver Standard
Pursuant to the < Gold Standard> problem, suppose that yo...

6 días hace


Gold Standard
Gold has long been used as currency and a standard for currency, due to its inherent value and rarity. Historical data for gold ...

6 días hace


Return fibonacci sequence do not use loop and condition version 2
Calculate the nth Fibonacci number,return sequence Given n, return f where f = fib(n) and f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... ...

6 días hace


Pattern Recognition 2 - Known Unit Length, Various Array Length (including cell arrays)
You will be given various arrays, composed of numbers or strings, including cell arrays of strings. For this problem, the known ...

6 días hace


Pattern Recognition 1 - Known Unit Length
You will be given various arrays, composed of numbers or strings. For this problem, the known pattern unit length is three. Writ...

6 días hace


Twin Primes
Twin primes are pairs of primes that are immediately next to each other (difference of two). The lesser of twin primes are 3, 5,...

6 días hace


Self-similarity 3 - Every other pair of terms
Self-similar integer sequences are certain sequences that can be reproduced by extracting a portion of the existing sequence. Se...

6 días hace


Self-similarity 2 - Every third term
Self-similar integer sequences are certain sequences that can be reproduced by extracting a portion of the existing sequence. Se...

6 días hace


Self-similarity 1 - Every other term
Self-similar integer sequences are certain sequences that can be reproduced by extracting a portion of the existing sequence. Se...

6 días hace


Mobius function
From wikipedia: For any positive integer n, define μ(n) as the sum of the primitive n-th roots of unity. It has values in {−1, ...

6 días hace


Return fibonacci sequence do not use loop and condition
Calculate the nth Fibonacci number. Given n, return f where f = fib(n) and f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... Examples: ...

7 días hace


Not square-free number sequence
Not square-free numbers are all positive integers divisible by a square greater than one: 4, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27, ....

7 días hace


Sphenic number sequence
Sphenic numbers are positive integers that are products of three distinct prime numbers: 30, 42, 66, 70, 78, 102, 105, 110, 114,...

9 días hace


Create an arrow matrix
An arrow matrix is a square matrix that contains ones on the diagonal, the last column, and last row. ...

9 días hace


Calculating Student Grades
The matrix grades contains raw grades for 7 students who took your course. Each row represents a different student. The first 7 ...

9 días hace


Determine if x is a combination of m and n
Given positive integers x, m, and n, determine if x can be written as x = am + bn for any (non-negative) integers a and b. Your ...

9 días hace


Dog Statistics
The vectors ht and wt contains the heights and weights of 20 golden retrievers. In some cases, it was not possible to make both ...

9 días hace


Generate this matrix
Generate the following matrix. n = 2; out = [-4 -3 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -...

9 días hace

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