How can I use random forest classifier with an excel file?
Something like this: data = xlsread('filename'); mdl = fitcensemble(data,'class');

más de 6 años hace | 0

How Can I Configure "the Trial License" for Cloud Use?
You can't cloud-enable a trial "license". You need to request a cloud-enabled trial, which is just become available at <https://...

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Feature Selection PCA in Haar for face recognition
Well, you could try whether PCA finds a linear mapping among the 16 Haar wavelets that expresses most of the variability in your...

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How to utilize GPU while the classifiers were running on the classification learner application?
< This page> ...

más de 6 años hace | 1

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How to use a KNN classifier from Matlab in c++
Little late, but with MATLAB Coder you can convert a prediction function for KNN to C/C++ code, and then use that with your othe...

más de 6 años hace | 0

Is there any way to port the predict process of a machine learning model to C/C++ codes
Little late, but since 2017, with MATLAB Coder you can generate C/C++ code for your machine learning prediction function.

más de 6 años hace | 0

Can I plot/apply more than two predictors using classification learner app?
It's for plotting only, a simple 2-dimensional scatter plot is available in the Classification Learner. You can train classifier...

más de 6 años hace | 0

Clustering with big data
Maybe you are using the LINKAGE function incorrectly. You already has the pairwise distances, but for some reason the LINKAGE fu...

más de 6 años hace | 0

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Finding Pattern in the data set
You are asking a very basic question, like "tell me how to apply data analytics", which is why the comment pointed you to the mo...

más de 6 años hace | 0

Machine learning: Ensemble trees in a time series classification problem.
How are you encoding the time dependency in your predictors? If you add predictors that look back fixed number of elements in yo...

más de 6 años hace | 0

not getting same accuracy as classifier app
The model trained inside the Learner app doesn't exactly match the exported model because the latter will be trained on the comp...

más de 6 años hace | 1

Is there a way to parallelize the function hygepdf?
I am not an expert for the Parallel Computing toolbox, but if the calculation inside the for loop body is fairly simple (as it l...

más de 6 años hace | 0

Classification Learner App - generate a more generic function for your model training that could take varying size of prediction tables? One step beyond the default function generation
But if your table has fewer columns (predictors) typically you need to retrain the model, or at least have performance deteriora...

más de 6 años hace | 0


Problems trying to set iOS and get Human Activity Recognition example deployed on iPhone
I'm following the Human Activity Recognition Simulink example in doc in a MacBook. I successfully installed the Simulink support...

casi 7 años hace | 0 respuestas | 1



How can I classify columns of a table
You could try to train a classifier by considering each data point of your table an example for the corresponding column's name ...

casi 7 años hace | 0

How to provide parameters in fitrensemble
The parameters 'MinLeafSize', and 'MaxNumSplits' are available for optimization, see <

casi 7 años hace | 0

Is the function TreeBagger(NumTrees,Tbl,ResponseVarName) with NumTrees = 300 considered as random forest ?
TreeBagger grows a forest of trees, but that's a random forest not just with 300 of them.

casi 7 años hace | 0

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How to use classification learner for real time data (from serial port) for classification?
You can find an example how to read data from a serial device <

casi 7 años hace | 0

How to prioritize the cluster on the basis of number of data points in each cluster?
If X was your data, you could get the histogram with h = histogram(X); and then compare the centroids of your clusters ...

casi 7 años hace | 1

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How can I mark several features in an image with 'insertMarker' and save the image at full resolution?
That looks like you are on the right track, and should work if pos corresponds to a vector of (x y) positions for the markers. W...

casi 7 años hace | 0

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help in in writing fuzzy fp growth algorithm in matlab
Maybe this File Exchange submission helps you get started: <

casi 7 años hace | 0

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CNN - training, cross-validating and testing procedure -procedure and issues
Yes, leaving-on-out is typically used to approximate performance on an unseen test set, but if you use it to optimize hyperparam...

casi 7 años hace | 0

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I have been stuck on the followng quesiton,please help.
It's not our role to help solve course problems here, but maybe copularnd and corr will let you do what you need.

casi 7 años hace | 0

Time Series Classification Advice
For deep learning with time series, practitioners are using LSTM. Here's an example in our documentation that shows you how to a...

casi 7 años hace | 0

Decision tree on binary data?
To apply machine learning to any binary classification problem, you need examples for both the class you are looking for (true d...

casi 7 años hace | 0

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Classification learner APP, why is there no leave one out option?
Leaving one out is not supported in the Learner app because it may have significant runtime, but it is supported in the programm...

casi 7 años hace | 1

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Lasso/Elastic Net feature selection with kFold crossvalidation
Crossvalidation just applies to assessing model performance. As described <

casi 7 años hace | 0

Preparation of the data for N-Way ANOVA
Per documentation, you provide anovan a set of measurements and multiple assignments to different groups. I'm not sure you actua...

casi 7 años hace | 0

How to manage big data with Classification Learner
"Tall arrays" are currently not supported from within the Learner apps. If your data doesn't fit into memory, you have to use th...

casi 7 años hace | 1

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