How do I save and restore the state data in a GUI?
< 41 Complete GUI Examples> from Matt Fig on t...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 1

Hump-day puzzler.
In response to Andrew's extra challenge for a solution in which |BLANK| returns |true|, here's an absolutely insane one: func...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 3

Hump-day puzzler.
Here's a pretty goofy answer: true) fprintf('I Love '); end; if (false

alrededor de 14 años hace | 6

What programming challenges would you pose to new users?
Designing simple GUIs can introduce newer users to a number of important concepts. For example... *Challenge:* Create a stopwa...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 2

How to make a list of user's reputation ? :)
Here's yet another variation that uses Walter's idea of going through the pages of questions, fetching the question links, then ...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 3

How to compare two different cell arrays ?
The < SETDIFF> function does what you want. It will give you the values in...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 11

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How do I write a good answer for MATLAB Answers?
I'm generally in favor of pointing out when a key edit (i.e. correction) has been made to an answer for the following reasons: ...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 5

Using find in a 3d matrix in MATLAB.
When finding values in multidimensional (i.e. greater than 2-D) arrays using the function <

alrededor de 14 años hace | 30

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Declaring 'many' variables from work space into function workspace
Yet another option is to design your function to accept a < variable leng...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 0

MATLAB xlswrite function
The reason? Because < the documentation> says so! ;) Excerpt:...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 1

Outputting to string
You can do this using the function < EVAL>: for i = 1:3 eval(['var_' i...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 2

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How to solve symbolic system of equations?
Easy, use the < SOLVE> function: >> S = solve(Eqs) S = a:...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 0

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Need help writing a datacursormode Text Update Function to display high, low, close, date, & volume data as a Datatip on a plot made with the highlow function of the Financial Toolbox.
Since you want your data cursor to display data that is not on the plot, you will have to put that data in a place that the Text...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 2

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Compute opponent colour of RGB values
If you are talking about a < color opponent process>, I figured out a simple functi...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 1

Grayscaled Images to RGB
If |img| is your grayscale image, stored as a 2-D |uint8| array, you can create a red version by making |img| be the red color p...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 3

Output of delaunay function
As per < the function documentation>, the matrix |tri| returned from DELA...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 2

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Working with a three dimensional matrix
If you're asking how you would index |k| in your loop to get a 2-D submatrix, you would do the following: l = k(:,:,i);

alrededor de 14 años hace | 1

clearing an instance of a structure variable
You can remove an element from a structure array the same way you can remove an element from any other type of array: a(1) = ...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 2

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How to generate symbolic variables dynamically at run-time?
You can generate your system of equations from a matrix of zeroes and ones using just the <

alrededor de 14 años hace | 2

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Problem saving/loading structure with function handles
In the documentation for < Saving and Loading Function ...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 2

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How can I find what parameters are in an inline function.
You can use the ARGNAMES function (which is a method for inline objects) to get the arguments of the inline function as a cell a...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 2

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Creating intersection lines in a semilogx graph
Addressing the first 3 points, it sounds like you want to create a datatip with crosshairs on one point of your curve. You can p...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 1

Is it possible to display a crosshair everytime a point is marked with the data cursor tool in MATLAB R2010b?
You can achieve this by modifying the |'UpdateFcn'| property of the <

alrededor de 14 años hace | 3

Why am I getting an error message "undefined function" when using the LAGMATRIX function in MATLAB 7.10 (R2010a)?
Have you tried including that file using the < MCC> archive option |-a|? ...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 2

3D plot from imported Excel data
Your variable |Z| is still a column vector, since |size(test,2)| is 3 and thus the column index |3:size(test,2)| is still just 3...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 5

Error creating a function handle using str2func in a function
The solution I found was to make a call to < REHASH> after you create each ...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 3

How can I remove all the paths for Toolboxes in MATLAB?
It sounds like you want to have MATLAB use _your_ functions instead of functions with the same name in other toolboxes. The easi...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 6

Creating a matrix of blank spaces.
If you are only making a 1-D matrix (i.e. a row or column vector) then the function <

alrededor de 14 años hace | 8

What does a "~" mean in the following code
This is the < logical NOT operator>, so |~isempty(E)| will evaluate to true wh...

alrededor de 14 años hace | 7

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ftoc (v1.2)
Creates a table of contents of functions contained in an m-file

casi 16 años hace | 1 descarga |

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