Labeling raw audio dataset
Hi Abdelhakim, Signal Labeler is the APP to use to label your audio data:

más de 2 años hace | 0

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Rewind - Fast Forward Button (Audio Player)
Hi Nikos, dsp.AudioFileReader has a ReadRange property that controls the range of samples you want to read. Here is an idea: ...

más de 2 años hace | 0

What is the default normalization in plot of stft function in Short-time Fourier transform
Hi Muhammad, I beleive the plot you get with STFT uses log, so 20*log10(abs(S)+eps) is plotted.

más de 2 años hace | 1

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Saving images quickly for huge datasets
Hi Joenam, A couple of things I noticed in your code: 1) You rely on melSpectrogram to generate a plot for you, which is fin...

más de 2 años hace | 1

Trying to convert whole folder into spectrograms
Hi Justine, consider using an audioDatastore to do this. then you don't have to write the for loop. for example: % This audioDa...

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VGGishPreprocess not accepting input
Hi Joshua, First, sorry we had a local funtion name with the same name as a function we ship. We are fixing this. The functi...

más de 2 años hace | 1

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Need help with Volume Slider GUI
Hi Nikos, Consider using audioDeviceWriter to play the audio, and dsp.AudioFileReader to read from the audio file. You do not...

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Speech To Text SAPI Offine mode
Hi Nikos, You can try out wav2vec 2.0. You can find a MATLAB implementation here:

más de 2 años hace | 1

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Audio Files in a Triggered Subsystem?
Hi Benjamin, You can't use this audio block in a triggered subsystem. You can try an enabled subsystem though. Both From Multim...

más de 2 años hace | 0

Howto explore large collection of audio files with custom parameters display beside time and frequency domain graphs ?
Hi Robert, audioDatastore will help you manage a large number files. The signal analyzer app will help you visualize files, a...

más de 2 años hace | 0

Recorded Audio is Shorter than Expected
Hi Xiwen, I suspect the scope is taking a long time to set up the first time you call it. Consider adding this code outside...

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How to extract VGGish features from audio files shorter than 1s?
Hi Robert-Valentin, The VGGIsh network accepts auditory spectrograms that correspond to roughly one second of audio, so you do ...

más de 2 años hace | 1

How can I change the database and pretrained generator ?
Hi Aseel, The example starts off by showcasing the pretrained network. The network was trained to produce drum-like sounds. If ...

más de 2 años hace | 0

For a network with 1 inputs and 1 output, the datastore read function must return a cell array with 2 columns, but it returns an cell array with 1 columns.
Hi Gudimalla, The training process typically expects a pair from the datastore: For classification problems, it expects a mel s...

más de 2 años hace | 1

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what should be the constraint on window length in function melspectrogram?
Hi Krishna, This looks fine. Make sure that your input x is a column vector, not a row vector. The function treats each column ...

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Need continuous sound played from buffer A then B. I fill B while A is playing, then visa versa.
Hi David, For real-time sound applications, you should use audioDeviceWriter:

más de 2 años hace | 0

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"audioread" multiple audio files in a folder
For future reference, I recommend you use audioDatastore: You won...

casi 3 años hace | 0

Get sample rate in a Matlab function block in Simulink
Hi Glenn, I've accomplished this in the past using a probe block: Th...

casi 3 años hace | 0

Is there a function or a way to write/read bit by bit to/from a buffer in MATLAB?
Hi An, Maybe dsp.AsyncBuffer works for you? b = dsp.AsyncBuffer; write(b,1); % write the number 1 to the buffer write(b,2);...

casi 3 años hace | 0

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Iterate speech frames through all the audio file in the folder
Hi Camille, The function mfcc breaks the signal into frames for you, so you do not need to perform the frame processing yoursel...

casi 3 años hace | 0

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how to separate an audio file based on different speakers
Hi Andrei, Speaker diarization is one way to address it. Check out this example:

casi 3 años hace | 0

How do I connect my ASIO sound card to Matlab??
Hi Wilmer, You should be able to use the ASIO sound card with the objects in Audio toolbox: audioDeviceWriter, audioDeviceRead...

casi 3 años hace | 0

I am missing the test signal "WashingMachine-16-8-mono-200secs.mp3" from the denoise example.
We've changed this example over the releases, but everything should work as long as the demo you're reading matches with your MA...

casi 3 años hace | 0

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How to create and train a LSTM network for audio denoising in MATLAB
This example does not use LSTMs, but it should be useful:

casi 3 años hace | 0

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How to implement Trained CNN for audio denoising in simulink
Hi Arvinda, This is possible. You can leverage your trained network by using one of these Simulink blocks (Image Classifier, Pr...

casi 3 años hace | 0

How to create a MATLAB code for generating audio sine wave signal of frequency ranges from 1Hz to 15kHz and plot it on real time.
Zafar, you can achieve this with audioOscillator and timescope. Here is an example. % Generate and visualize a sine wave with v...

alrededor de 3 años hace | 0

spl_meter function output vlaue difference
Hi Hamin, splMeter contains filters that remember the previous output, i.e. it has states. You should not expect the same input...

alrededor de 3 años hace | 0

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How to read datastore from specified position?
Hi Neal, Here is one way to read files from a custom position: adsSub = subset(adsTest,20:40); allSignals = readall(adsSub)...

alrededor de 3 años hace | 0

Is there a possibility to scale the x-axis of the splMeter Window?
Hi Bjorn, I noticed that you set TimeSpanSource to true on the scope, but did not change the actual time span value. Maybe that...

alrededor de 3 años hace | 0

Use StretchAudio in realtime
Hi youngz, I suggest you use audioTimeScaler: T...

alrededor de 3 años hace | 0

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