how to use the GPU in MATLAB?
This is not a MATLAB Report Generator question.

casi 9 años hace | 0

How to fix the warning ": hole "rgTitle" occurs in multiple version compatibility sections of the Word document "?
This warning occurs because you selected "Maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word" when you saved your template. A...

casi 9 años hace | 1

How can I use MATLAB Report Generator to produce PDF Report rather than HTML Report?
The problem is with the Eval component at the beginning of the report. You have configured the Eval component to insert the expr...

casi 9 años hace | 0

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moveToNextHole in Report Generator does not compile.
To be compilable, a MATLAB application that uses the DOM API must invoke makeDOMCompilable() before invoking any DOM function. S...

casi 9 años hace | 1

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how to do a page break in Programmatic Report Creation
It’s possible that the reason that the page break does not work is that the report is running in streaming mode, which means tha...

casi 9 años hace | 0

Matlab Report Generator: Placing two images on a single PDF line with report generator
Hi Jon, You can use a table to place images side by side on a page. For example, the following report setup: <</matlabcent...

casi 9 años hace | 0

How to use Annotation Loop in Simulink Report Generator?
Hi Naveenraj This is a bug. We plan to fix this bug in R2106b by rendering the annotation as plain text. In R2017a, we plan t...

casi 9 años hace | 0

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I need a page-break methodology for PDF output
Hi Riley, In R2016a, you can use a Report Explorer HTML Text component to simulate a PageBreak component: <</matlabcentral...

casi 9 años hace | 0