
Gravity-perturbed Earth Orbit Lambert Problem - OTB/fsolve
OTB/fsolve version of the lambert4.m MATLAB script which solves the gravity-perturbed Lambert problem

alrededor de 5 años hace | 2 descargas |


Creating a Chebyshev Ephemeris with MATLAB
MATLAB script demonstrates how to create & evaluate a Chebyshev representation of the position coordinates of the sun, a planet ...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 2 descargas |


Solar Sail Trajectory Analysis with MATLAB - OTB version
Optimization Toolbox version for Two-dimensional trajectory analysis of solar sail Earth-to-Venus and Earth-to-Mars missions MAT...

alrededor de 5 años hace | 1 descarga |


Aerospace Trajectory Optimization - OTB
Demonstrates the solution of an aerospace trajectory optimization problem.

alrededor de 5 años hace | 3 descargas |


Graphics Display of Satellite Ground Tracks and Orbits
MATLAB script named satplot.m that demonstrates how to graphically display satellite ground tracks and orbits.

alrededor de 5 años hace | 4 descargas |


Low-thrust Earth to Mars Trajectory Analysis - OTB
Optimization Toolbox version of a MATLAB script that can be used to analyze low-thrust Earth to Mars trajectories.

alrededor de 5 años hace | 1 descarga |


Gravity-perturbed Earth Orbit Lambert Problem - OTB
Optimization Toolbox version of the lambert4.m MATLAB script which solves the gravity-perturbed Lambert problem

alrededor de 5 años hace | 2 descargas |


Optimal Single Impulse De-orbit from Earth Orbits - OTB
Optimization Toolbox version of the deorbit.m MATLAB script which determines optimal de-orbit maneuvers.

alrededor de 5 años hace | 2 descargas |


Impulsive Hyperbolic Injection from an Earth Orbit - OTB
Optimization Toolbox version of the hyper2.m MATLAB script which determines the characteristics of hyperbolic injection.

alrededor de 5 años hace | 1 descarga |


A MATLAB Implementation of "Elements of Solar Eclipses"
This is a MATLAB script that implements the numerical methods described in the book "Elements of Solar Eclipses, 1951-2200" by J...

casi 6 años hace | 1 descarga |


Low-Thrust Orbital Transfer with Solar-Electric Propulsion
orbital transfer using solar-electric propulsion

casi 9 años hace | 5 descargas |


A MATLAB Implementation of the BV78 ODE Solver
Numerical method for solving systems of ODEs using the BV78 algorithm

alrededor de 9 años hace | 2 descargas |


Interplanetary Trajectories Using Solar Electric Propulsion
Efficient computation of optimal interplanetary trajectories using solar electric propulsion

casi 10 años hace | 2 descargas |


A MATLAB Function for Computing Gravity in the Modified Equinoctial Coordinate System
Computes gravity due to the first four zonal harmonics in the modified equinoctial coordinate system

alrededor de 10 años hace | 1 descarga |


Solar Sail Trajectory Analysis with MATLAB
Two-dimensional trajectory analysis of solar sail Earth-to-Venus and Earth-to-Mars missions.

alrededor de 10 años hace | 5 descargas |


MATLAB Functions for Two Body Orbit Propagation
Three MATLAB functions for propagating two-body orbits

alrededor de 10 años hace | 12 descargas |


Gooding's State Vector-to-Orbital Elements Algorithm
MATLAB demo script and function that implements Gooding's method.

alrededor de 10 años hace | 1 descarga |


Lunar Free-Return Trajectory Analysis with MATLAB
A MATLAB script for designing two-dimensional lunar free-return trajectories

más de 10 años hace | 5 descargas |


Aerospace Trajectory Optimization Using Direct Transcription and Collocation
Demonstrates the solution of an aerospace trajectory optimization problem.

más de 10 años hace | 3 descargas |


A MATLAB Script for Computing Hyperbolic Coordinates
This script demonstrates how to compute C3, RLA, and DLA of a hyperbolic orbit.

alrededor de 11 años hace | 2 descargas |


Low Thrust Transfer Between Non-coplanar Circular Orbits
Design and analyze low-thrust orbit transfers

más de 11 años hace | 8 descargas |


Repeating Ground Track Orbit Design
Four MATLAB scripts for designing and analyzing repeating ground track orbits.

más de 11 años hace | 8 descargas |


Composite Orbit Design
Composite orbits are combinations of orbits that have special geometric & dynamic characteristics.

más de 11 años hace | 3 descargas |


Sun-synchronous Orbit Design
Three MATLAB scripts that can be used to design and analyze sun-synchronous Earth orbits.

más de 11 años hace | 9 descargas |


Modeling Aero-assist Flight Mechanics with MATLAB
Numerically integrate the flight path equations of motion of an aero-assist vehicle.

más de 11 años hace | 1 descarga |


Two Impulse Phasing Analysis
Phasing analysis between two coplanar circular orbits using a two impulse Hohmann transfer.

más de 11 años hace | 3 descargas |


Circular Orbit Plane Change
MATLAB script for solving the circular orbit plane change problem.

más de 11 años hace | 1 descarga |


Mean Local Time of the Ascending Node
Determines the relationship between mean local time of the ascending node and RAAN.

más de 11 años hace | 4 descargas |


The Hohmann Orbit Transfer
Computes characteristics for coplanar and non-coplanar Hohmann transfers.

más de 11 años hace | 7 descargas |


Low-precision Ephemeris
MATLAB functions that compute a low-precision ephemeris for the Sun, Moon and planets.

más de 11 años hace | 1 descarga |

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