Should I modify x-values for curve fitting with response variable?
Matlab's fitting solvers do not require the x data to be equidistant. I'm not sure why it would be a matter of opinion, though...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 1

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Is there a reason why {'charVector'} is not considered a text scalar for argument validation purposes?
It seems like a software design inconsistency to me that this passes validation, mustBeText({'charVector'}) mustBeScalarOrEmpt...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 2 respuestas | 4



I have the 3D MTF and i want to convert this 3D MTF to the common 2D MTF as in the image attached. I want to plot MTF vs Spatial frequency graph.
Your attachment isn't a 2D MTF. It is a 1D MTF. You must pick a 1D cross-section of your 3D MTF that you'd like to plot and extr...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Problem with polyfit command (R2015a)
The result from polyfit is correct. I suspect you are simply not using polyval properly to evaluate the fit: x=[1:9] ; y=[5,6,...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 1

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How to re-generate script from already built workspace
The script, if you saved it is a file somewhere on your computer. We have no way fo knowing where you put it. However, if you re...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

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Improving chose of guesses in my fit
It appears from the plot that you are giving nlinfit the data for all peaks simultaneously. You should not be doing that. Rather...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 1

Identifying all elements and their nodal coordinates given all possible nodes
Assuming the cube is unrotated, V=[0,0,0;0,0,1;0,1,0;0,1,1;1,0,0;1,0,1;1,1,0;1,1,1]+[5,6,7] %cube vertices vmin=min(V); vma...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 1

Passing additional minibatchable quantities to a trainnet() loss function
Tech support has told me that the way to do this is to supply N strings in the TargetDataFormats training options parameter. tra...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

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Object-Oriented: strange behavior that leads to shared reference
The reason this occurs is documented here. Default property values are only generated once when the classdef is first instantiat...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

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Extract area from elipsoidal/cirle trajectory.
load data ymin=min(y); [xx,yy]=deal(x,y); xx(end+1)=x(end); yy(end+1)=ymin; p=regions(polyshape(xx,yy)); h=arrayfun(@...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

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I want all possible distinct lists of the pairs of the elements that can be made from a vector having j ones, j twos, and j threes where j is an even integer.
This code doesn't seem to do too badly. I can easily run up to j=100. As you can see from the loop limits, I find the number of ...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 1

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How can I restart the optimization in "Optimize Live Editor"?
Not sure what you mean by "clean"? The widgets in the Live Task must always be populated with something, so if you want to run w...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

how to remove variables of a table with a zeros in it
keep=all(yourTable{:,:},1); yourTable=yourTable(:,keep);

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

3D resize image for BIG image size
My another strategy is I can read them separately for all Z and reduce image half in X and Y using "tiffreadVolume" and "imresi...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

How do I put a uitable in a tiledlayout?
If you are going to be inserting uitables, it would be advisable to use UI graphics elements everywhere else too, fig=uifigure...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 1

How can you update plot data from properties in an object?
Consider animatedline

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Error with Vector Length
The code you've shown produces empty t: t0=0; t1=-10; t2=20; [x,t]=step(t0,t1,t2); x=x',t

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Can I use lsqcurvefit for a multivariable nonlinear regression
Yes, lsqcurvefit can be applied to problems of any dimension.

2 meses hace | 0

How to rotate a hyperbola drawn along with the reference line?
%% Input values D = 250; % mm distance c = 4; % mm/s velocity del = 10; % a constant theta...

2 meses hace | 0

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Circle fit in pointcloud, stl
See the section "Fitting a 2D Shape to 3D Points" in the Examples tab of this FEX submission:

2 meses hace | 0

How can I rotate a volshow image programatically?
Can I rotate the volume instead of the camera? Yes, you can use the Transformation property. I tried using CameraPosition an...

2 meses hace | 1

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What is the best data structure for mapping a key to an array of values in MATLAB?
Dictionaries are supposed to be faster than structs, but they require a recent Matlab version. keys="UniqueKey"+(1:3)'; valu...

2 meses hace | 1

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Property Type in constructor vs dependent
Property type specifiers, such as the double specifier in, properties (Dependent) D_b double end only perfor...

2 meses hace | 2

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Which is the difference between 'multi-gpu' and 'parallel-gpu' in 'trainingOption' function of the DeepLearning Toolbox?
According to the doc, 'parallel-gpu' has the additional capability of being able to use remote GPUs. Since that doesn't apply to...

2 meses hace | 1

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Find the coordinates of the nodes of an matrix inside another matrix
Sounds like you could just use ismember(___,'rows')

2 meses hace | 0

Use of tensorprod function to compute multilinear forms
res=A; while ~isvector(res) res=pagemtimes(v',squeeze(res)); end res=res*v

2 meses hace | 0

Use of tensorprod function to compute multilinear forms
n = 3; A = rand(n,n,n,n); v = rand(n,1); J=pagemtimes(v',pagemtimes(A,v)); res=v'*reshape(J,[n,n])*v

2 meses hace | 0

What happens to cleared custom `handle` objects?
If you clear c, then that copy of the handle is gone, while other shared instances of it that you may have created remain. If yo...

2 meses hace | 1

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How plot a grid of rectangles on an overlaid circle?
R = 5; % circle radius H = 1; % rect height W = 2; % rect width circ=nsidedpoly(1000,"Radius",R); %polyshape for the circle...

2 meses hace | 0

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How can I make the layout in the attached image with tiledlayout
If you download nestedLayouts, then y...

2 meses hace | 0

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