
Balanced number
Given a positive integer find whether it is a balanced number. For a balanced number the sum of first half of digits is equal to...

más de 10 años hace


Return the 3n+1 sequence for n
A Collatz sequence is the sequence where, for a given number n, the next number in the sequence is either n/2 if the number is e...

más de 10 años hace


Too mean-spirited
Find the mean of each consecutive pair of numbers in the input row vector. For example, x=[1 2 3] ----> y = [1.5 2.5] x=[1...

más de 10 años hace


The Goldbach Conjecture
The <'s_conjecture Goldbach conjecture> asserts that every even integer greater than 2 can ...

más de 10 años hace


Tell me the slope
Tell me the slope, given a vector with horizontal run first and vertical rise next. Example input: x = [10 2];

más de 10 años hace


Write a MATLAB script in order to convert a random length row vector (v) into a column vector.

casi 11 años hace


Temperature conversion
Convert temperature in degrees Celsius (C) to temperature in degrees Kelvin (K). Assume your answer is rounded to the nearest Ke...

casi 11 años hace


Add two numbers
Add two numbers (For beginners)

casi 11 años hace


sum of first 'n' terms
Given n=10, find the sum of first 'n' terms Example: If n=10, then x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. The sum of these n=10 terms is 55...

casi 11 años hace


Who invented zero?
We know the importance zero in computer science, mathematics... but who invented zero? Clue: He was the first in the line ...

casi 11 años hace


Maximum value in a matrix
Find the maximum value in the given matrix. For example, if A = [1 2 3; 4 7 8; 0 9 1]; then the answer is 9.

casi 11 años hace


Celcius to Kelvin
Convert Celsius degrees to Kelvin temperature.

casi 11 años hace


Back to basics 3 - Temp Directory
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Return a string that is the path to the system's current temp di...

casi 11 años hace


Set the array elements whose value is 13 to 0
Input A either an array or a vector (which can be empty) Output B will be the same size as A . All elements of A equal to 13...

casi 11 años hace


Find max
Find the maximum value of a given vector or matrix.

casi 11 años hace


Filter AC, pass DC
Input x is the sampled signal vector, may have both AC and DC components. Output vector y should not contain any AC component. ...

casi 11 años hace


Back to basics 14 - Keywords
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Return a cell array of all MATLAB keywords

casi 11 años hace


Arrange vector in ascending order
Arrange a given vector in ascending order. input = [4 5 1 2 9]; output = [1 2 4 5 9];

casi 11 años hace


Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees
Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees Example: If the input is: X = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...

casi 11 años hace


Convert a vector into a number
This is a sub problem related to this problem: <>...

casi 11 años hace


All your base are belong to us
Find the base _b_ logarithm of the input decimal number _x_. Express the output as a decimal number. The first argument is the n...

casi 11 años hace


Duplicate each element of a vector.
for an n-dimensional vector x, the function should return another vector 2n-dimension which each element is repeated twice. Ex...

casi 11 años hace


Multiply a column by a row
* Given a column vector C and and a row vector R. * Output a matrix M. * Every column of M equals to C multiplied by correspon...

casi 11 años hace


Back to basics 15 - classes
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Return the class of the input variable.

casi 11 años hace


Who is the smartest MATLAB programmer?
Who is the smartest MATLAB programmer? Examples: Input x = 'Is it Obama?' Output = 'Me!' Input x = 'Who ?' Ou...

casi 11 años hace


Finding fourier transform of a given vector
Find the fourier transform of a given input vector for ex a=[1 2 3 4] then y=[ 10.0000 + 0.0000i -2.0000 +...

casi 11 años hace


Add a row of zeros on top of a matrix
Given a matrix, insert a row of zeros as the top row.

casi 11 años hace


Close MATLAB with keyboard
Close MATLAB with keyboard without using mouse

casi 11 años hace


Unit Matrix
Given n, you should return an n-by-n unit matrix. Example: If input is n=2 then A = [ 1 0 0 1 ] If input ...

casi 11 años hace


Elapsed Time
Given two date strings d1 and d2 of the form yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:SS (assume hours HH is in 24 hour mode), determine how much time, ...

casi 11 años hace

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