Why is my if statement making the values of a previous array disappear?
_break_ will terminate your _for_ loop, and it won't continue all the way to _ymax_. Perhaps you mean you use _continue_? ...

más de 10 años hace | 0

How do I make multiple x axes?
Did you try the searching the < File Exchange>? There is a <http://www.math...

más de 10 años hace | 0

ode23s gives different results when run inside for loop
I'm not sure I know exactly what your output should look like, but I do see a couple differences between your "single" and "loop...

más de 10 años hace | 1

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Querry regarding simulink . It is not giving the desired results.
The syntax (-5 < u1 < 5) does not do what you think it does. You mean (-5 < u1) & (u1 < 5). MATLAB evaluates...

más de 10 años hace | 0

How to advance input signal by one sample period?
If you mean to delay a signal by one sample period in Simulink, then use the <

más de 10 años hace | 0

Simscape Model with discrete control (simulation and PIL)
If you have purchased < SimPowerSystems>, it comes with many <

más de 10 años hace | 0

I have to plot a graph where +1 and -1 are located at same point on x axis. How can I do that?
Here is how I would do it. Your proposed tick values don't work perfectly with your data, but you can adjust it. % given da...

más de 10 años hace | 0

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Recreating Vlookup from excel
Purely numeric and all index of A are guaranteed to be in B? A = [ 1; 2; 6; 7]; B = [1 56.7; 2 45.1; 3 65.7; 4 76.1; 5 3...

más de 10 años hace | 0

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there is a error for solving equations
When I copy/paste your code, I get that the '–' is the wrong character: it is the 'dash' (U+2013) character instead of the 'minu...

más de 10 años hace | 0

Querying if a model contains a block with a value
It depends on the block type, but for a constant block the quick answer is get_param('Model_Name/Subsystem/Subsubsytem/Cons...

más de 10 años hace | 0

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Double integrate a precise series of numbers
I am going to guess that these are accelerations sampled at given times. The poster wants the integral over time to find the ve...

más de 10 años hace | 1

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Simulink compiler issue with SDK 8 and Matlab R2013b on windows
Go to the < supported compilers> page. It doesn't show SD...

más de 10 años hace | 1

Solve: Solution not satisfying the equation
Sometimes you can reshape the problem to make things easier for the solver. In this case, center the circle at zero by redefini...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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pulse width modulation, get values from the previous block
Go to the < File Exchange> and search for "Programmable Pulse Generator"....

casi 11 años hace | 0

SimPowerSystems : How to select motor preset from Matlab script ?
1) First try this so that you know how to do this yourself next time. Use the command get_param(block_handle,'ObjectPara...

casi 11 años hace | 0

How to use loop and solve numerical question and make variable with numerical variables
Here is a hint on using for loops: x(1)=1; for index=1:10 x(index+1)=x(index)+x(index)*10; end disp(x) You...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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Two Solar panel in parallel
1) Purchase < SimPowerSystems> and then start with one of the <http://www.m...

casi 11 años hace | 0

How can I model an integrated system of solar cell and wind mill in simscape?
SimPowerSystems comes with many < examples> to get you st...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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a method to call matlab code from a language programming
Have you looked at the < MATLAB COM Automation Server...

casi 11 años hace | 1

optimisation of simulink parameters
Your objective function should probably # Set the values of the parameters in your model to those passed in from your optim...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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import C code into matlab
There are some well-documented examples here: < MEX Examples and ...

casi 11 años hace | 1

More plot area ezplot
Type help ezplot to learn more ways to use ezplot. You will see the following statement: ezplot(FUN,[A,B]) plots...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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help in pulses matlab simulink
< Pulse Generator>

casi 11 años hace | 0

Best way to make a matlab - simulink closed loop simulation
< To call Simulink from MATLAB:> simout=sim('modelname'); <http://...

casi 11 años hace | 0

3D plot in a circle
< File Exchange - 3D Polar Plot>

casi 11 años hace | 0

Trying to plot steady state, transient, total response but I can't seem to get it to work.
%% Initial Conditions zeta = 0.05; r = 0.3; naturalfreq = 3.198; dampfreq = 3.194; phi = 0.033; X = 0.048; ...

casi 11 años hace | 0

Removing rows with [] in cell array
data(cellfun(@(x) isempty(x), data(:,3)),:)=[]

casi 11 años hace | 1

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Change the color of data in legend??
Put your labels in the same order as the data you want it to match. legend('V1 Angle','V2 Angle','V3 Angle')

casi 11 años hace | 0

Parameters from MATLAB function in Simulink
It depends on how you want to manage the scope of _vxin_ . Simple option: vxin=value; sim('diagram'); or maybe y...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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Using GPIB to connect spectrum analyzer to PC
" < Instument Control Toolbox> lets you connect MATLAB® directly to instruments suc...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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