Goodness of Fit from Gaussian Fit
I use the following: ybar = mean(y); %Mean of the data sst = sum( (y - ybar).^2 ); %Total sum of squares gof.sse = sum( ...

casi 12 años hace | 3

How can I save/load a .NET array to a .mat file?
It's perhaps kind of a pain, but you could cast the array to a Matlab double array prior to saving and then cast it back to a .N...

casi 12 años hace | 0

Conditional Formatting in Excel 2010
It's not clear what formatting you're trying to set. Also, you don't state how you used the Modify() method to generate the err...

casi 12 años hace | 2


Geometry: Find Circle given 3 Non-Colinear Points
*This Challenge is to determine the center and radius of a circle given three non-colinear points.* *Input:* Points *Outpu...

casi 12 años hace

Problems with importing date and time from Excel to Matlab
xlsread seems to work fine, at least with small files. That seems to contradict your problem description. I created a simple t...

alrededor de 12 años hace | 1

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How can I set landscape and margins in word using matlab activex
wdOrientLandscape is part of an enumeration. It's value is actually 1. The proper usage for CentimetersToPoints should be ...

más de 12 años hace | 0

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R2012b atan in Degrees
Return in degrees the atan result of inputs for all four quadrants. *Examples:* [x, y] Degrees 1 0 0 1 1 ...

más de 12 años hace

Insert multiple plots to excel sheets using ActiveX
First create as many sheets as you want (using Sheets.Add()). Then loop through your plots, calling Sheet1 = get(Sheets,...

más de 12 años hace | 0

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speeding up a gaussian fitting....
I don't have time to work this in detail now, but here are my thoughts: 1. One way to speed the optimization would be to cal...

más de 12 años hace | 0

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How can I add multiple charts in excel with activex
Here's how you can get the linear fit parameters (in Excel) without reading text strings from the trendline labels: K>> V =...

más de 12 años hace | 1

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Get subpixel resolution images of a high resolution image
Here's what I would do. Assume |img| is your image. kernel = ones(N,N)/N^2;%Try N = 2, 3, or 4 all_imgs = conv2(img, ke...

más de 12 años hace | 0

Custom Classes in Standalone Applications?
What's MRC? Perhaps you mean MCR? I've compiled some large GUIs that use a variety of my custom classes. My custom classes ...

más de 12 años hace | 0

Experiences with release 2012b
I've done my share of complaining, so here are a few things I do like: 1. The new "Go to" dialog is great. I used to use th...

más de 12 años hace | 1

Experiences with release 2012b
My biggest gripe with the ribbon interface is the enormous amount of screen space it wastes. But the ability to hide it and put...

más de 12 años hace | 7

Error message with xlswrite after migrating to Windows 7
A couple thoughts: 1. I think the problem is you have not specified a path for your filename. My guess is that Excel is try...

más de 12 años hace | 0

Read certain range of csv file
There are several ways to do this: 1. Using csvread: data = csvread('file.csv',251,0,'A252..D5352'); 2. Using dlm...

más de 12 años hace | 4

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Retrieve a specific folder in outlook
You need to be aware of two things: 1. olFolderInbox should be the integer 6. 2. Indexing into VBA collections such as F...

más de 12 años hace | 2

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Weighted average
Given two lists of numbers, determine the weighted average. Example [1 2 3] and [10 15 20] should result in 33.333...

más de 12 años hace

Help with class methods please
I think per isakson's answer is a bit simplistic. You should probably read up on the difference between Handle classes and Valu...

más de 12 años hace | 0


Return the first and last character of a string
Return the first and last character of a string, concatenated together. If there is only one character in the string, the functi...

casi 13 años hace

Embed external files in published files
I don't know a lot about Matlab's built-in publishing capabilities, but I'd be surprised if what you are looking for is possible...

casi 13 años hace | 0

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Plotting a function of 3 variables ?
See the documentation for scatter3. <>) The last input argument lets you...

casi 13 años hace | 0

spherical aberration and Chromatic aberration
The following code lets you simulate the PSF associated with spherical aberration (as well as diffraction). You need to specify...

casi 13 años hace | 6

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xlsread error
I would try using the Excel COM interface directly to see where Excel is struggling. It's interesting that it seems to be faili...

casi 13 años hace | 1

Read .mat file in android?
Here's another possibility: when saving the MAT file, use the -v7.3 option. Then the MAT file is actually an HDF5 file. You c...

casi 13 años hace | 0

OOP: matlab class as a property of another class
I think the following should work for setting this property from the Constructor function. The following assumes that you have ...

casi 13 años hace | 0

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Simple data extration from notepad
Here's an approach I would try: 1. Use csvread() to read in only the first two columns, the dates and times. 2. Use the da...

casi 13 años hace | 0

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program skills about Microsoft Excel, Word and so on
I'm assuming that by "moving around", you're looking to use Matlab to control which cells are selected. Something like the foll...

casi 13 años hace | 1

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Creating errorbars in excel
You're on the right track. Here's how to set all of the error bars to 5: [xlY, xlBoth, xlFixedValue] = deal(1); eC.Seri...

casi 13 años hace | 1

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word automation - adding / editing tables from matlab
I believe Columns is a Collection and that you need to do the following to access individual columns: newtable.Columns.Item...

casi 13 años hace | 0

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