Can Video calssification using deeplearning run on GPU ?
Using the MATLAB AI Chat Playground (see announcement at

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Generate Code from Curve Fitting App
I copy-pasted your last two comments as a query to the MATLAB AI Chatbot ...

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distributionFitter: What is the best fit for my data?
In the "Results" section of each "Edit Fit" window, the second line "Log likelihood" is one indication of the goodness of fit. I...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 1

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Curve fitting toolbox doesn't give confidence intervals
See, where it says: "If coefficients are bounded and one or more of th...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

Why do I get different results for gauss fit performed on different computer?
What is the magnitude of the differences you are observing in the resulting coefficients and SSE? Gaussian curve fitting uses th...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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Can you save a cfit object (created programmatically using the 'fit' function) as a .sfit file to be opened in the curve fitting app?
The short answer is "no". As of R2023b, you cannot save a cfit object (created programmatically using the 'fit' function) as a ....

alrededor de 1 año hace | 1

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Error: Errors occurred during parsing of MATLAB function
MathWorks provides specific Simulink blocks for ML model prediction. Using one of these Simulink blocks may satisfy your use-cas...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 0

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Recursive feature selection with function generated from the classification learner app
The short answer to your question is that sequentialfs uses code for training and testing one model, for one fold. This code sni...

alrededor de 1 año hace | 1

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Explaining a matlab code
Using the MATLAB AI Chat Playground (see announcement at

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Feature Selection using ReliefF function in Regression Learner App
This issue has been fixed in R2023b, which is available now. The issue occured when ranking features by RReliefF and having a c...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Linear Regression Model in Simulink with Blocks
Since 23a, MathWorks provides a Regression Linear Predict block for Simulink. See

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Matching Feature ranking algoritum outputs in classification leaner
The short answer is that, for some feature ranking techniques, there is some normalization of the features before the ranking. T...

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What is a learning cycle mentioned in the 'fitcensemble' documentation
See the "NumLearningCycles" section on the page The info from there: ...

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Speech Recognition in Urdu Language
See: (1) speech2text reference page. As of 2023, there may be a suitable wav2vec model available for Urdu (2) The example in ...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Speech Recognition/Dragon Dictate
As of this writing and for many years before, Dragon Naturally Speaking is a product that can be used to fully control a Windows...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Loading Classification Model in Simulink created using MATLAB Classification Learner App
MathWorks provides Simulink blocks for machine learning model prediction. So, you can use the native Simulink block designed for...

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MATLAB stuck at "Opening Large Spreadsheet"
Perhaps solve the problem with the divide-and-conquer method. You could set this up programatically with code based on the readt...

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Optimizing Interpretability in Gaussian Process Regression Models: A Strategic Approach to Preprocessing and Testing Data
Regression Learner partitions the test data randomly. In Classification Learner, the partition is random and stratified. (https:...

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regression model in simulink function block
MathWorks provides Simulink blocks for machine learning model prediction. So, rather than using a generic MATLAB function block ...

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Using prediction model inside a matlab function block
MathWorks provides Simulink blocks for machine learning model prediction. So, rather than using a generic MATLAB function block ...

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Saving data after Running Classification Learner App on HPC with no display
Operating Classification Learner The command: classificationLearner(Tbl,ResponseVarName); will open Classification Learner wi...

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How to plot A smooth curve of ROC in MATLAB with only 3 FPR and TPR values
Some pointers: As a low-code alternative, the Classification Learner app will produce ROC plots. As an alternative to perfcurv...

más de 1 año hace | 0

is there a reference to a journal paper for the selection of the smoothing parameter p = 1(1 + h3/60) in Matlab command csaps
The algorithms section of the csaps doc page begins with this csaps is an im...

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How to find word error rate of spoken sentence for regression based model?
Word Error Rate (WER) is a widely used metric for evaluating Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). To calculate WER for a visual s...

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Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (MRMR) Algorithm for feature selection of regression models
In short, For classification, fscmrmr was introduced in R2019b. For regress...

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In the classification learner, is Ensemble Bagged Tree the same as randon forest?
The short answer is "Yes". In Classification Learner, the Ensemble Bagged Trees is the same as random forest. This can be seen i...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Why is my accuracy of trained classifier using function generated from classification learner is less than the model directly exported from the classification learner app?
Based on what you sent, it looks like the short answer is that the model exported from Classification Learner was trained on all...

más de 1 año hace | 0

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How can I use the trained model in Matlab classification learner in an application developed in Visual Studio?
This is possible with MATLAB Coder. See If this answer helps you, ...

más de 1 año hace | 0

What do the "scores" mean that result from application of a model from the Classification Learner App to new data?
I'll assume you are following the workflow here:

más de 1 año hace | 0

Need help designing an App for my trained neural network
I recommend App Building Onramp | Self-Paced Online Courses - MATLAB & Simulink ( I also recommend these two an...

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