how can ı solve the part c
Hints: height= %initialize while deflection<=5 height=height+.. %update with increment, all in mm dlection= ...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Why does imshow display different image when I try to show a CT image?
Can you try this way- [img,map] = imread('Slice_87.png'); imshow(img,map);

más de 1 año hace | 1

I want to plot this code, but my value show zero and the graph nothing to show. How to fix it
M1 must be vector, however in the code plot M1(j+1) is a scalar (Single value) plot (dt,M1,'r','Linewidth',3); To get the desi...

más de 1 año hace | 0

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How i can i Ensure that my 2 vectors have the same size?!
Hope I have understand the question- Here is the example DAPEAK_IN=randi([1,100],[1,randi(200)]); %Random data size(DAPEAK_I...

más de 1 año hace | 0

How to convert cell of array containing cell of array (n×n) order into a Single cell of arrays (n×n) order??
cell_1={3,4,5;7,8,9} cell_2={13,14,15;17,18,19} new_cell=[cell_1,cell_2] new_cell=[cell_1;cell_2]

más de 1 año hace | 0

Using two functions in a loop
iter=1; for i=1:iter try fun1(3,8) catch fun2(4,6) end end function z=fun1(a,b) z=a.b ...

más de 1 año hace | 0

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Define an empty matrix Z. Using FOR statement for i = 1, . . . , 10, print out i and store i in the matrix Z at each iteration
Hint: Complte it. Learn MATLAB Basics MATLAB Onramp Z...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Array math: The logical indices contain a true value outside of the array bounds.
The y value can be store in a cell array and use the cellfun to get the result. Here is an example- #Without Loop x=[10 12 13...

más de 1 año hace | 1

Undefined function or variable 'otfsmod' in MATLAB 2018a !!!!!
otfsmod This might be not inbuilt MATLAB funtion. It suppose to be external custom function. Please confirm the source of the f...

más de 1 año hace | 0

How to record all the values from my previous loop?
% Input Diameter = 9100; % mm Radius = Diameter/2; % mm Cover = 75; % mm Bar_Diameter = ...

más de 1 año hace | 0

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what type of image as entry to do jpeg code
You can choose any lossless compression images and apply the proposed compression algo and compare. If you want to know the diff...

más de 1 año hace | 1

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Finding position of values which are equal to some value
ND=randi(100,[1,1800]); % Random data just for testing val=randi(100,[1,16]); % Random data just for testing [common_val,idx]=...

más de 1 año hace | 0

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Create space between binEdges Historgram
Try data=randi([1,10],[100,100]); hist_counts = histcounts(data); %............^ change the value as per required result bar...

más de 1 año hace | 1

How to read '.webp' image file
This option! Save in the web & you can try using complete web path Reference : Link

más de 1 año hace | 0

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Why doesn't it work ?
s = 1.25; t1 = 0:0.01:pi/2; t2 = pi/2:0.01:pi; t = [t1 t2]; x1=4*sin(2*t1).*sin(2*t1).*exp(-(t1/s))+2; x2=4*sin(2*t2).*sin(...

más de 1 año hace | 0

error on piecewise 'First argument must be a condition.'
As per the syntax definition of the piecewise funtion piecewise(condition, value, condition, value....) In the above code SN...

más de 1 año hace | 0

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Finding a certain random value in which row and how many times has been appeared
This is a Matlab forum, Matlab answer, try to replicate in other langauges- rand_data=randi([0 20],[1, 20]) num=input('Enter a...

más de 1 año hace | 0

Solving trigonometric equation.
You are suggested to go through MATLAB Onramp- Seems like homewor...

más de 1 año hace | 0

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Cropping an image with coordinate values
[rows,colm]=find(image==1); Get the indices as rows & colm

más de 1 año hace | 1

How can I merge the matrices that produce different dimensions in the loop
#Example data_store=cell(5,1) for i=1:5 data=rand(i,3) data_store{i}=data; end dat=cell2mat(data_store)

casi 2 años hace | 0

Taking one figure out of a thousand figures
You can do that in multiple ways, easiest way Save the all data points in cell array { } Once the plots done and exited from f...

casi 2 años hace | 0

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hold on producing separate graphs
Remove all "figure" statements, also one hold on is sufficient. Same Figures: x = I y1 = 4*I.^20 hold on plot(x,y1) x = ...

casi 2 años hace | 0

How to iterate over multiple vectors or using a function to draw multiple vectors without using the same piece of code again and again?
% FEC = 3.8x10^-3 % % For Phi/Psi = +/-10 CoverageArea_mean_10 = {[84.4735,21.1779,6.4247,2.1416],[45.2112,8.8043,1.1898,0]}; ...

casi 2 años hace | 0

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Any one give me the solution of this question or guide me how to solve this problem.
Is this: Manually as asked for data=randi(255,[3,3]); pad_data=zeros(5,5); pad_data(2:end-1,2:end-1)=data Using function pad...

casi 2 años hace | 0

How to identify sensor patterns?
"The Problem is when i run this code, the count does not increment when the object passes the two sensors" If this is the case,...

casi 2 años hace | 0

how to resize the image
"I would like to increase the size of the image. How can I do that?" imresize

casi 2 años hace | 0

I would like to create a subfolder without numbering
Just remove %d new_folder = fullfile(folder_DATA, sprintf('%s', name_SF)); If you're generating a single folder, that's fine,...

casi 2 años hace | 0

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Getting following error while making Contourf plot [ Error using contourf Z must be at least a 2x2 matrix]
You may be look for other data visulization options, as its a 3 column data e.g stem3, scatter3 or plot3 In mesh, surface, c...

casi 2 años hace | 0

Generate a state space matrix of longitudinal dynamics of an aircraft and determine it's transfer function
If you check the Transfer fuction MATLAB docs, its clearly states that the values of the "Numerator" and "Denominator" propertie...

casi 2 años hace | 0

generate an x-matrix at every iteration by for loop
for idx=1: 2000 H=sqrt(0.5)*(randn+1i*randn)*(1/sqrt(2)); % my H %cdf=... end #If you wish to save all generated ...

casi 2 años hace | 0

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