How can I use import data function with excel sheet when the excel file is increasing in rows every time
There are a couple of things you can do. The first is that you can just use the readtable() function instead of using the functi...

casi 2 años hace | 0

How can I set "legend" and "text" to an UIAxes? (app designer)
You need to specify the axes within App Designer. Try this: %use whatever your UIAxes name is. I assumed it was app.UIAxes le...

casi 2 años hace | 1

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How do I change the size of the MATLAB function hint and suggestion?
For the language, go to Preferences-MATLAB-General, and under Desktop Language, you should be able to change it. If you're havin...

casi 2 años hace | 0

I am facing this issue : Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1
You should look at why your error is occuring before posting. The value of zeta_dot is [0;0;0;0] and you're using i to index it ...

casi 2 años hace | 0

Overlapping graphs from multiple files for comparison
Point #3 was confusing, but this is what it should look like. In this case, I've plotted the X, Y, and Z variables on three sepa...

casi 2 años hace | 0

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I want to display a 3x1 table with 3 different variables, which are: n, x, Et
n = input('Cual es el numero de iteraciones?\n'); x = 1; for i = 1:n x = (x+2/x)/2; end Et = abs((sqrt(2)-x)/sqrt(2)); ...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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How to assign data from App Developer to workspace in Matlab?
The way assignin() works to send variables from App Designer to your workspace is that the first arguement is 'base', second is ...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 1

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How to mask numbering inside rectangular ROI
This shows the value as a label instead of in the middle. imshow(imread('peacock.jpg')) prompt = {'Enter ROI label:'}; dlgtit...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

New Workplace variable from Table
Tp = table(categorical({'M';'M';'F';'F';'F'}),[38;43;38;40;49],... [71;69;64;67;64],[176;163;131;133;119],... 'Variabl...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 1

retrieving solar irradiance data through webread function
This is a way to get it instantaneously. url = ''; w = webread(url); loc1 = st...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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Cross section of a plot (surface, Imagesc) using an arbitrary line
You can do this by interpolating. Depending on your requirements, you can use cubic, nearest neighbor, makima, linear, or spline...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 1

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Ranking vectors from highest to lowest including repeated ranks.
I'm not sure how you want your ranking to occur. Why would your output be [1 3 3 2 3 6 6] instead of [1 3 3 2 3 4 4]? Either way...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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How to display montage images in UI Axes (MATLAB App Designer)?
load mristack montage(mristack,'Parent',app.UIAxes)

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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How to draw an circle on the image where i show it on app.Image using app designer
If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, you can use the function drawcircle(). imshow(imread('peacock.jpg')) h = drawcircle(...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 2

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Is there a way to view and edit the code or variables associated with a MATLAB GUI element or function through a mouse click, like Excel's macro?
inspect(app) %assuming app is the name of your variable that you want to inspect

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

Riemann sum to find the area between two curves
x = 0:0.01:1; %some x data s1 = x./(x+exp(1-7*x)); %some y data s2 = x./(x+exp(1-10*x)); %some other y data plot(x,s1,'b',......

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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Two Y axis plot priority
There's no great way to do it. You have to trick the plot into thinking there is Z data. x = linspace(0,2*pi,100); y1 = sin(x)...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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Plotting a Map on App Designer
You need to put your geoaxes() in a Panel component. It will not work with the UIAxes. gx = geoaxes(app.Panel); geolimits(gx,[...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

How to make a conditional statement for blood types?
When you put a "+" MATLAB is expecting you to perform a mathematical operation. To get around this, you can input put quotes aro...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

How to create a new column that depends on the stabilization of another
Table.On = [0;0;0;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;1;1;1;1;0;1;1]; indx = find(movsum(Table.On,4) == 4) + 1; Table.Stable = zeros(length(Table.On...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 3

Get proper time in seconds at x-axis from timestamps
%fileNames is the list of your files and t is a duration array in minutes %without the milliseconds as you indicated earlier f...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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How to test multiple values in my for and if statement.
I'm not sure why you were using x to loop through your variable, but this is how I'd do it. x = (1:35)'; coeff = zeros(length(...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 1

Trying to plot a function with adjustable variables in app designer

alrededor de 2 años hace | 1

View 2D Plane of 3D Graph
If you are unable to get slice to work, you can do something like this. [X2,Y2,Z2] = sphere(100); X = X2 + 0.5; Y = Y2 + 0.2;...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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How to condense this code for plotting cdfs? How to use a for loop to plot lines.
tiledlayout(2,2) nexttile hold on for xx = 1:n_groups h = cdfplot(dataout_sort(start_group(xx):end_group(xx),par_column)...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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How to loop over a structure in matlab
Depends on how your data is placed in the function. Like @Walter Roberson said, structfun works well if your data looks like thi...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

Need help , how to code if statement to redo equation if desired answer isnt achieved?
What is n? I have a feeling this isn't correct because of the way you set up your equation. C(n) = ((((500*V1/Z(500)) + ((Ps*Vc...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

How to create an embedded progress bar in app designer, Matlab R2019a?
You can use the Linear Gauge component and have that update to show your progress.

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

Max number of selections in listbox AppDesigner
value = app.ListBox.Value; N = 10; %max number of selections if length(value) > N app.ListBox.Value = app.ListBox.Value(e...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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How to have a 2D surface plot from the two columns of data?
%x = your x data %y = your y data %c = your color data scatter3(x,y,c,[],c,'filled') colorbar colormap turbo %you can omit ...

alrededor de 2 años hace | 0

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