
Television Screen Dimensions
Given a width to height ratio of a TV screen given as _w_ and _h_ as well as the diagonal length of the television _l_, return t...

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Laws of motion 3

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Plotting Practice
Plot cos(x) vs x as shown in the figure below. Include the appropriate title, x-label, and y-label. Note, it is case sensitive. ...

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Given a matrix, swap the 2nd & 3rd columns
If a = [1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4]; then the result is ans = 1 3 2 4 1 3 2...

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Project Euler: Problem 1, Multiples of 3 and 5
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23...

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solving 4 equations with 4 unknowns
why do matlab gives two values for each unknown in the following system? syms a b d e eqn1 = a+b-4 == 0; eqn2 = d+e-5 == 0;...

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definition of a vector
why an array of size 1-by-1-by-N is not a vector? a=randi([1 10],1,1,3); isvector(a)

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Write a function that will multiply every prime number in the array or matrix by two, leaving all other numbers the same, and re...

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Evened up (or not)
You will be provided with an array or matrix that contains various numbers, in addition to an evening variable, e, set to 1 or 0...

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Create an arrow matrix
An arrow matrix is a square matrix that contains ones on the diagonal, the last column, and last row. ...

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Compare a value to a vector
Given a random value X and a random vector Y. you have to compare X to the Vector Y and make a decision. case 1: X is a value i...

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Change the sign of even index entries of the reversed vector
change the signs of the even index entries of the reversed vector example 1 vec = [4 -1 -2 9] ans = [9 2 -1 -4] example2...

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Insert zeros into vector
Insert zeros after each elements in the vector. Number of zeros is specified as the input parameter. For example: x = [1 ...

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Determine the number of odd integers in a vector
Determine the number of unique odd integers in a vector. Examples: Input x = [2 5 8 3 7 1]; Output y = 4; Inp...

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Find nth maximum
Find nth maximum in a vector of integer numbers. Return NaN if no such number exists. x = [2 6 4 9 -10 3 1 5 -10]; So ...

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Create an index-powered vector
Given a input vector x, return y as index-powered vector as shown below. Example x = [2 3 6 9] then y should be [...

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Find last zero for each column
Given a numeric array of arbitrary size, return the row index of the last zero for each column. If a column contains all nonzero...

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Calculate the Number of Sign Changes in a Row Vector (No Element Is Zero)
For a row vector: V=[7 1 2 -3] there is one sign change (from 2 to -3). So, the function you write must return N=1. F...

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Symmetry of vector
Determine whether the vector is symmetric or not (vector could be even or odd in length). For example: x = [1 2 3 3 2 1] is s...

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Make a Plot with Functions
Make a plot and test

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Generate this matrix
For a given odd integer n, generate a matrix as follows: Input: n = 5; Output: [ 2 1 0 0 0 1 ...

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Generate this matrix
Generate the following matrix. n = 2; out = [-4 -3 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -...

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Triangular matrices in 3D array
Given a 3D numeric array _x_, return an array _y_ of the same size in which all entries to the right of the main diagonal are ze...

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The Matrix Construction
Given two input ,first one is CN (Column Number), Second one is Dim Can you produce such a matrix for example CN=6; Dim=2 ...

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Create a block diagonal matrix
A block diagonal matrix is a square matrix that can be written as A = [a 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 c 0 ...

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Matrix Construction I
Given n, construct a matrix as shown in the example below. Example For n=8, the output should look like this: 1 2 3 4 ...

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Toeplitz Matrix
For a given square matrix of order n-by-n check whether this is a Toeplitz matrix or not. Return true if it is.

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ZigZag matrix with reflected format
ZigZag MATRIX with REFLECTED format. We have only input x. We have to create a matrix in the following pattern. input n=5...

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Is the Point in a Triangle?
Check whether a point or multiple points is/are in a triangle with three corners Points = [x, y]; Triangle = [x1, y1; x...

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Height of a right-angled triangle
Given numbers a, b and c, find the height of the right angled triangle with sides a and b and hypotenuse c, for the base c. If a...

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