Predictive maintenance - data required for generalizing the model
Hi Dhiya, In order to create a robust model, you will need a large set of sensor data healthy and faulty operations operating i...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

FFT Code generation for VxWorks
Hi, Both, "fft" and "ifft" functions provide support for C/C++ code generation. You can refer to the following MathWorks docume...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

I'm new to matlab; how do I simply program a deep learning model to predict that 9 is the next number in a sequence of 1,3,5,7...?
Hi Matthew, The following MATLAB answer describes multiple ways to predict the next number in a series. It also discusses why d...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Deep learning generated Holography
The following literature review about deep learning for holography would be a good starting point to understand the same: https...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 0

Hex file from Simulink
Hi Lorenza, To generate a .HEX file from Simulink, you cannot directly export it from the Simulink model. However, you can use ...

alrededor de 2 meses hace | 2

Is there a way to holdout specific data?
Hi Mark, You can use the array indexing to specify the training and testing sets using indexes. Please find below the code sni...

2 meses hace | 0

detokenizedDocument: How to turn tokenized text back into human-readable, non-tokenized text?
Hi, As per my knowledge, there is no such function to de-tokenize the tokenized document. However, you can process the text tha...

2 meses hace | 0

Error creating array with evenly spaced elements
Hi @Luan Vuong, The issue that you are facing is due to the floating point error. As you also pointed out that the exact value ...

2 meses hace | 2

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How to use the grey prediction model?
Hi, MATLAB provides linear, non-linear, discrete time as well as continous time grey box model. You can refer to the following ...

3 meses hace | 0

How to save chararcter matrix in single column in NetCdf file?
Hi, The following MATLAB answer that handles the same issue that you are facing:

3 meses hace | 0

Get netCDF data from Copernicus Marine
Hi Asier, I understand that you are trying to access netCDF data using an OPeNDAP URL using the "ncdisp" function in MATLAB R2...

3 meses hace | 0

how can import data excel to scope in simulink? (plot charts)
Hi, You can follow the steps below to visualize Excel sheet data in Scope block in Simulink: 1) Load the excel sheet in form o...

3 meses hace | 0

Loss function Ford multi Output regression
Hi, Yes, you are correct the different magnitudes of outputs will affect the training of the neural network model. "Output 1" w...

3 meses hace | 0

Importing data for a Simulink example in MATLAB
Hi @SNM Nima, The above example is using a "PreLoadFcn" model callback as shown below: load('solar_load_data_24h.mat') The ab...

3 meses hace | 1

Matlab on ARM processor?
Hi Brennan, MATLAB supports Apple silicon processors in combination with macOS, other ARM processors are not supported. Additi...

3 meses hace | 0

Simulink user interface slow
I was also facing a similar issue. In my case the issue was due to the anti-virus software which was slowing down the Simulink U...

3 meses hace | 0

error: unknown type name 'mxArray'
Hi Aubrey, You can refer to the following MATLAB answer which handles a similar issue:

3 meses hace | 0

'if' instead of a 'switch' when auto code generation
Hi @예진 박, You can refer to the "ConvertIfToSwitch" configuration parameter of "coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig" object to control the ...

5 meses hace | 1

Extract features from training images (Matlab - Computer Vision)
You can use the MATLAB functions "detectSIFTFeatures" and "extractHOGFeatures" to extract the SIFT and histogram of gradient fea...

5 meses hace | 0

We are trying to develop an AI model that detects 7 types of abnormal driver behavior
Hi @현준, I would recommend using video data to capture temporal dynamics and context which are necessary for accurate behaviour ...

5 meses hace | 0

Modeling and solving a pde
Hi NS, It would be helpful if you can attach the figure mentioned in the query. Please refer to the following post which mentio...

5 meses hace | 0

how to use printf inside a CUDA kernel?
Hi Daniel, One more suggestion that I found in the following discussion is to use "cudaDeviceSynchronize" to ensure that the ke...

5 meses hace | 0

Calculation Value at Risk in Matlab
Hi Preeti, In addition to Umar's response, you can also refer to the following MathWorks documentation that explains how Value-...

5 meses hace | 0

Can i do a Time Sensitive Netowrk formulation in MATLAB?
Hi Zhao, You can refer to the following resources that involves Time Sensitive Network formulation using MATLAB and Simulink. ...

8 meses hace | 0

Component under test in test harness
Hi Daniel, You can follow the following steps to programmatically retrieve the Component under Test. 1) Use

8 meses hace | 0

Trying to do Image segmentation by neural networks, but mini-batch accuracy and mini-batch loss are fluctuating
Hi Peter, In order to prevent the fluctuation in the results, you can try updating the learning rate adaptively while training ...

8 meses hace | 0

dTdt=−k(T−Ta) k=0.4,Ta=25∘, initial condition T(0)=T0=75∘C .how to solve using ode45 and report the temperature obtained at times t=1,2,3 and 4 . report T(1.0)
Hi Ramesh, You can follow the following steps to solve a differential equation using "ode45" function 1) Define the ODE functi...

8 meses hace | 0

detectSIFTFeatures only working for uint8
Hi Michael, If you want to use an image of double data type as input, you should first scale it down to the range [0, 1]. Doing...

8 meses hace | 0

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using two 73728 x 3 matrix with RGB and Contour to draw a heatmap
Hi Jinyang, In my understanding you want to create a color label similar to as shown in the top portion of the left image. You...

8 meses hace | 0

Question about python API and computer vision module
Hi Hugo, The reason that you are seeing the output as "<matlab.object object at 0x7f73e51eb050>" is not due to lack of converg...

8 meses hace | 0

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