How to overlay randomized point grid on photo?
I = imread( 'MyImage.png' ) ; x = rand( 1, 50 ) * size( I, 2 ) ; y = rand( 1, 50 ) * size( I, 1 ) ; imshow( I ) ; h...

más de 7 años hace | 0

Deleting Nonzero elements in each row
Here is one way: >> A A = 0 0 5 5 4 1 0 1 3 0 4 2 0 0 3...

más de 7 años hace | 0

How to group rows of data into a cell of a cell array?
Here is one way. We start by building a fake data set: >> A = [rand(10,3), randi(2,10,3)] A = 0.7513 0.8407 0.3...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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calling a function in another function by changing only few input arguments
If you are in another function where variables with the same names are defined (e.g. because they are arguments of the function)...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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how to convert collumn matrix (nxn) into another matrix of (mxn) type .
Difficult to answer with that little detail.. Maybe: M = reshape( v, n, n ) ; or M = reshape( v, n, [] ) ; with a...

más de 7 años hace | 0

How i can remove HTML tags
content = regexprep( content, '<.*?>', '' ) ; *EDIT:* and the following thread just came back, with Sean mentioning the Text...

más de 7 años hace | 3

Accessing the string elements
Here is one way, as string arrays are "iterable". continents = ["America", "Europe"] ; countries.America = ["USA", "Bra...

más de 7 años hace | 3

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Export Data from a Structure which contains double timeseries data to Excel ... Example Data Provided...
Here is one way if you want to create two worksheets "Left" and "Right" in the same workbook, with 21 column per sheet for time ...

más de 7 años hace | 2

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Extracting multiple envelopes from a signal
Quick cheap trick gets 2/3. Was going to bed, no time for more but that could be a starting point. function main load...

más de 7 años hace | 2

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Sort & Index matrix for highest values in row
Here is another way: >> A = rand(5, 5) A = 0.9337 0.1518 0.6164 0.3074 0.4584 0.9017 0.1290 0....

más de 7 años hace | 1

Best way to seperate a very large array of numbers into different variables based on a value tat is given in the first column?
Here is an example: we build a fake data set: >> data = [sort(randi(3,10,1)), rand(10,5)] data = 1.0000 0.9727 ...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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find all the possible pairs with postive elements from a given matrix
It looks like you want triplets, or I don't understand the question: >> posUnique = unique( A(A > 0) ) posUnique = ...

más de 7 años hace | 1

indexing entry of a matrix result
[nRows, nCols] = size( A ) ; if you don't need |nRows|: [~, nCols] = size( A ) ;

más de 7 años hace | 1

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Figure size for multiple subplots is not even
At the end AX.Position(1:2) = [0.005, 0.02] ; % Move legend down and center a bit. ax2.Position(4) = ax1.Position(4...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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concatenated matrix - factoring out a matrix coefficient
D = [A, B]./[C, C] which isn't more convenient than the initial expression! Depending the context, you can REPELEM or REPM...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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How do I properly append to an array within a loop?
You shouldn't name your variable |Ai| if |i| is meant to be the index. Assuming that |A| is already defined and that, at loop in...

más de 7 años hace | 3

How to make a permanent change to a matrix using sortrows?
P = sortrows(P,7) ; Most of the time functions don't operate "externally", so SORTROWS doesn't alter your array |P| define...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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How to make this "for" loop work?
s = [1.2535 1.2535 1.2535] c = [0.0 0.5 1.0] Formula = zeros( numel(s), numel(c) ) ; for i=1:3 for j=1:3 ...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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Wanted: Examples on how to use "Dynamic Regular Expressions" to debug regular expressions
Regular expressions may not be that appropriate in this context; I used them in the past for doing exactly this, but it was too ...

más de 7 años hace | 1

textscan failing to read data in text file
Here is one way. We pre-process the content before parsing, adding 'N' where the first letter is missing. Then we count the numb...

más de 7 años hace | 2

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How to unnest nested cell arrays??
It is a very good attempt. Here is an example that is almost what you did: >> A = {{5,6}; {7}; {8,9,3}} A = 3×1 cell ar...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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basic math operations with numbers stored in cell arrays ?
You probably have strings in the table and not numbers. If so, you should use STR2DOUBLE instead of CELL2MAT. It can operate on ...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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How to cut duplicate rows from a matrix
A_uniqueRows = unique( A, 'rows' ) ; or A_uniqueRows = unique( A, 'rows', 'stable' ) ; if you don't want the outpu...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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Get data points from one line
That was a good attempt, but for this you should use tokens: buffer = fileread( 'SnSe_100K_17.out' ) ; pattern = ':\s+(\S...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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After reading excel data into matlab the data is not complete
Look at the possible output arguments of XLSREAD. The function splits numeric and text data, and also outputs raw data: [num...

más de 7 años hace | 0

Search an entire text file for a word
content = fileread( 'MyTextFile.txt' ) ; and then you can STRFIND or REGEXP or anything else on |content|, which is a char...

más de 7 años hace | 0

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Read specific column from .txt file with unkown format
content = fileread( 'Info.txt' ) ; nCols = numel( strsplit( regexp( content, '[^\r\n]+', 'match', 'once' ), ' ')) ; dat...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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How can I format fscanf to read strings of different lengths, some with spaces in them?
Wild guess: cometNames = strtrim( strsplit( fileread( 'MyFile.txt' ), ',' )) ; will work, provided that you adapt the del...

más de 7 años hace | 0

How to convert a string to a function?
doc str2func but unless you know what you are doing (or you are just playing to see how that works), approaches that rely ...

más de 7 años hace | 2

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Identifying sequences in a Matrix
You can find sequences using STRFIND, even when you are dealing with numbers: >> seq_str = 'ACEBAECE' ; >> strfind( seq_st...

más de 7 años hace | 1

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