Create a filling between cftool prediction bounds
You haven't attached anything, as per my guess *fill* will do the job. See this: X = rand(1,100); Y = rand(1,100)+1; fi...

casi 11 años hace | 0

clf reset on invisible figure makes it visible
f1h=figure('visible', 'off'); clf(f1h)

casi 11 años hace | 0

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How can I find the path of one file knowing only filename?
If its in one of the matlab path fileparts(which(filename))

casi 11 años hace | 0

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I did something error if I used the same variable name in many functions?
They will be local to the function they are defined in. All the functions have a different workspace, so it won't create any con...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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i have two matrix datas,how can i check is there any relation between these two datas, if there is a relation i want to get which type relation is this(linear, quadratic,cubic...etc)
x = (0: 0.1: 2.5)'; y = erf(x); plot(x,y); Goto tools>>Basic fitting, and see which function best fits your data. O...

casi 11 años hace | 0

parameters for movie to avi function
doc movie2avi

casi 11 años hace | 0

I am trying to read an excel file and extract the maximum and minimum values from the sheets. Any suggesions?
You will have to read the xls file first,import the data in workspace. Only then you will be able to get the max and min values....

casi 11 años hace | 0

Image Analysis Help for Eye blink detection
You can have a plot of average horizontal intensities.In case eye is closed the distance between two deep valleys would increase...

casi 11 años hace | 4

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how to find location of Image captured using webcam ?
getsnapshot returns Image frame(3D-array), it doesn't write that into memory as an image. So, I is nothing but a variable in mat...

casi 11 años hace | 0

How can we apply the standard deviation?
doc blockproc It operates given function on an image block by block, so will get rid of the code you wrote above to partiti...

casi 11 años hace | 0

Displaying a figure with specified properties
figure_test = figure('Visible','off',... 'Name','Testfigure',... 'Color', [0 0 0],... 'Resize','on'...

casi 11 años hace | 0

Need help plotting one function against a variable without it using the mean value of the first variable?
use dot operator *./* T=(13.176*a*h)./(46.848*Kp+9*pi*Kd*sqrt(pi*(0.874+Pc)))

casi 11 años hace | 0

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How can I clear the search history of Find and Help?
Goto File>> Preferences>>Help>> Clear History

casi 11 años hace | 0

How to solve this error?
Your image must be a RGB image, See what it says: ndims(Im1) imhist only excepts grayscale and indexed image not 3d imag...

casi 11 años hace | 0

matlab GUI: How to store data from push button, to vector (not loosing old values when re-pressing button)
function gui_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata , handles) handles.Z = 0; function pushbutton1_callback(hObject , eventdata...

casi 11 años hace | 0

what the difference between the following two figures by specgram
As far as I know they have different colormaps, probably second is *jet* colormap and first seems to be coustmized. doc co...

casi 11 años hace | 0

How to plot probability of occurrence of a negative sequence on log scale
doc hist

casi 11 años hace | 0

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please someone help with this
function callingFunction() % Your Code mu = rand; sigma = rand; calledFunction() function calledFunction() mu =...

casi 11 años hace | 0

How to use maketform to get affine transform?
A is transformation matrix that is used for scaling, rotating and other spatial transformations. See this blog <http://blogs.mat...

casi 11 años hace | 0

display output k-means clustering, display output clustering as a image
[ I map] = imread('test3.bmp'); I = ~I; imshow(I,map); [m n]=size(I) P = []; for i=1:m for j=1:n ...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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Using Estimated Frequency responce function ,to find output vector
I don't see any reason why you can't perform the second task. There's no such constraint that vectors should be of equal length ...

casi 11 años hace | 1

Input argument "image" is undefined??how to resolve this??
did you run it as script?? or did you call the function with proper input arguments, like: Output = feature1(imageArray) ...

casi 11 años hace | 0

how to crop an image
[rows cols planes] = size(imageArray); rect = [fix(cols*0.10) , fix(row*0.10) , fix(cols*0.80) , fix(rows*0.80)]; croppedIma...

casi 11 años hace | 0

which property to be used for zooming in and out axes using slider in gui when usingr2010a software which dont have zoom property ? can we use reset property ? but how? finding it confusing ?! help needed !!
use *zoom(factor)* inside your slider callback function. function slider1_callback() zoomFactor = get(hObject , 'value') ...

casi 11 años hace | 0

How to convert a noisy picture to a black and white one
Decide threshold from histogram manually, you'll be able to differentiate between background and foreground pixels looking at th...

casi 11 años hace | 0

how could i extract the output of the included mfile in GUI callback function to edit text
function pushbutton_callback() Output = yourFunctionFile; set(handles.edit1 , 'string' , Output)

casi 11 años hace | 0

How to display running FOR loop iterations (counts) on GUI window automatically
h = figure; set(h , 'Units' , 'Normalized' , 'position' , [0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2]); h1 = uicontrol(h , 'style' , 'text' , 'Uni...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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Error in unzip a .gz file
use *gunzip* instead

casi 11 años hace | 0

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i am new to MATLAB. i am working on image processing.
< Steve on Image Processing>, this blog integrates digital image processing with MATLAB. But I'd...

casi 11 años hace | 1

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