
Quote Doubler
Given a string s1, find all occurrences of the single quote character and replace them with two occurrences of the single quote ...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Remove all the consonants
Remove all the consonants in the given phrase. Example: Input s1 = 'Jack and Jill went up the hill'; Output s2 is 'a ...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Binary numbers
Given a positive, scalar integer n, create a (2^n)-by-n double-precision matrix containing the binary numbers from 0 through 2^n...

alrededor de 10 años hace


How unique?
Sometimes, when we check unique entries of vector we would like to know how many times each value occurs. Given vector of num...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Sum of diagonals elements of a matrix
Given a matrix, return the sum of all the elements across the diagonals. E.g. A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9;...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Find the alphabetic word product
If the input string s is a word like 'hello', then the output word product p is a number based on the correspondence a=1, b=2, ....

alrededor de 10 años hace


Pizza value using expression with parentheses
Pizza prices are typically listed by diameter, rather than the more relevant feature of area. Compute a pizza's value (cost per ...

alrededor de 10 años hace


average for three points
how to calculate the average (for each three values of y) y=[2 3 5 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 2 7 8 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 ] you ...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Sum Rows
Sum the same indexed (unique) rows. Examine the test suite. Related Challenge - <

alrededor de 10 años hace


Find out the roots of a given polynomial equation.Given are the coefficients of the equation.

alrededor de 10 años hace


Return the largest number that is adjacent to a zero
This example comes from Steve Eddins' blog: < Lear...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Polynomial Multiplication
Multiply two polynomial equation.Given polynomial coefficients a and b.

alrededor de 10 años hace


Concatenate a successive power matrix in a column matrix
Generate F = [M1 M^2 ... M^p] with M a matrix, without using for.

alrededor de 10 años hace


Negative Infinity
Round the given array a towards negative infinity.

alrededor de 10 años hace


Positive Infinity
Round the array a towards positive infinity

alrededor de 10 años hace


Multielement indexing of a row array
The row array birthRateChina stores the China birth rate (per 1000 people) for years 2000 to 2012. Write a statement that create...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Answer the question and the correct answer write in vector. Only one answer is correct. 1a Yes 1b No 1c No 1d No ...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Orthonormal matrix
You decide whether any given matrix is an orthonormal matrix or not. If each column in a matrix is perpendicular to the other...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Determine the square root
Determine the square root of the value the user has entered, n.

alrededor de 10 años hace


Factorial Numbers
Factorial is multiplication of integers. So factorial of 6 is 720 = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4* 5 *6 Thus 6 factorial = factorial(720)....

alrededor de 10 años hace


Largest territory
Determine whose territory is largest. If there are two more large territory, determine a smaller number. For example, X ...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Lightning strike distance: Writing a function
Write a function named LightningDistance that outputs "distance" given input "seconds". Seconds is the time from seeing lightnin...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Hard limit function
Classify x data as if x>=0 then y=1 if x<0 then y=0 Example x = [ -2 -1 0 1 2] y = [ 0 0 1 1 1]

alrededor de 10 años hace


Number of paths on a grid
Consider a grid formed by n vertices vertically down, and m vertices horizontally right. Your starting point is at the top lef...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Which way to go?
Given an m*n grid, How many ways are there to go from upper left corner to the lower right one? You can only move right...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Finger Counting
Just counting numbers using fingers. First all my ten fingers are closed. I will say 1 and open my one finger. Likewise for 6...

alrededor de 10 años hace


ベクトル [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] の作成
MATLABでは,角括弧の中に要素を入れることで、ベクトルを作成できる。 x = [1 2 3 4] また次のようにも書ける(コンマはオプション)。 x = [1, 2, 3, 4] 問題:次のベクトルを出力する関数を作成せよ。...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Local Minima
Given a vector of data x, find the values of local minimum that is smaller than its neighbor elements. For example, if x =...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Find nth maximum
Find nth maximum in a vector of integer numbers. Return NaN if no such number exists. x = [2 6 4 9 -10 3 1 5 -10]; So ...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Number of problems
No, you don't read it wrong: this assignment is to return the number of this problem (and not the problem of this number).

alrededor de 10 años hace

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