Data sharing between two GUIs
You can use setappdata and getappdata

casi 11 años hace | 0

IF statement inside a push button
Assuming rest of the code is right mon1= str2num(get(handles.m1,'string')); The first thing I'll think is that you're get...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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How to pick an integer in a box using up and down arrows in a gui
You can use button with symbols + or -, and add functions like adding or subtracting as a feature. Something like this (very ...

casi 11 años hace | 1

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help with numerical integration
First thing: what are you trying to do with y and r? Your r will be empty as the last value in defining r is a vector. Can yo...

casi 11 años hace | 0

Finding Mean of a repeated entries Using Matlab.
b = [u,accumarray(ix,zz(:,1))./accumarray(ix,1)]; The second accumarray will be (ix,1) not (ix,2)

casi 11 años hace | 1

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How to merge different customized figures together?
set(hFig, 'Position', [100 250 300 5*80]); for jj = 1:5 h1 = subplot(5,1,jj); % hAxes = set(h1,'XTick',[-1:1:...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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beginner questions about symbols used in formula
The fullstop (.) operator is for element-wise operation. For example: A = [1 2 3 4]; B = [5 6 7 8]; AS you can see t...

casi 11 años hace | 1

problem using the find function
row and col are the indices in the matrix which have the value you need. Find function just finds the indices which satisfy the...

casi 11 años hace | 0

Call a matrix in a matrix
You can have cell like this: B = rand(3); C = rand(3); A{1} = B; A{2} = C;

casi 11 años hace | 0

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Vector Equation with scalars?
a = 3; b = 4; x = -3:0.2:2; y = 8*(a^2)./(x.^2+b^2);

casi 11 años hace | 0

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how to write an equation with different period of time
w_t = [25*T 50 250-50*t]; t_range = [0 2 4]; W = w_t(find(t > t_range,1,'last'));

casi 11 años hace | 0

How do I get the Command Window to recognize variables created in a function?
Because you have to do something like this on the command window: [K,T] = KTBC(n) KTBC is a function that take an input ...

casi 11 años hace | 1

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How to use the "Input" command-- specific problem help
The input command ask for a value from the user, for example A = input('Enter value for h: ') will show on command prom...

casi 11 años hace | 0

How to resolve ODE system in Matlab using numerical method Runge-Kuta?
First You'll have to make a function for your problem. This function take (time and Y) and will return dy function dy = myf...

casi 11 años hace | 0

how to do a graph
m = zeros(30,1); a = m; for i=1:30 m(i) = 400*(1.1^i); a(i) = 120*(1.2*i); end plot(m); hold on; plot(1:3...

casi 11 años hace | 0

set limits using xlim for strings
set(gca,'XTick',1:12,'XTickLabel',{'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr' .... etc})

casi 11 años hace | 0

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Why do I get an 'Index needs to be positive or logical' error?
Sometimes in matlab, when doing floating point operations which should result in an integer, deviate from it slightly. For examp...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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Replace specific numbers in a matrix
Lets say your matrix is called A, then A(A>90) = Inf; That simple :)

casi 11 años hace | 0

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Transforming vector into triangular matrix
Lets call it A Then A_new = repmat(A,1,48); A_new = tril(A);

casi 11 años hace | 0

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Big O Complexity for Matlab code - Sum of Matrix Operation
Matlab sum without specification of dimension, for a matrix, will be for the column. However for a vector, either row or colu...

casi 11 años hace | 0

Help with the output of my function
This is because when you input t as a vector, unless all of the values in vector satisfy the condition, it will not go through a...

casi 11 años hace | 0

save matdata1 Error using save Unable to write file matdata1: permission denied.
This might be because you dont have permission to write in that folder. Try a different directory and see if it still doesn't w...

casi 11 años hace | 0

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How can I calcuate the distance from two selected points?
imdistline Matlab documentation:

casi 11 años hace | 1

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mnoise = 0.02*randn(251,1);

casi 11 años hace | 0

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How can I solve a simplest order 4 differential equation by 4th order Rung Kutta in Matlab?
See this: There are few examples there as well to help you through

casi 11 años hace | 0

Replace zero in a matrix with value in previous row
Lets say your matrix is A [m,n] = size(A); An = A'; valx = find(~An); % This will give you zeros elements linear inde...

casi 11 años hace | 0

Changing excel range reference
Your xlRange will produce string 'sRowRef:lRowRef' not 'D2:D49'. You should try: xlRange = [sRowRef ':' lRowRef];

casi 11 años hace | 0

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how can I copy multiple Matlab.fig files, each with multiple subplots, into a single plot
You need to get handle for all the subplots in each figure. % First open a new figure hh = figure; % Open First F...

casi 11 años hace | 0

how to jump from one box to another in Matlab GUI?
Setting tab order:

casi 11 años hace | 0

Redirect command window messages to GUI window
You can definitely do that. A small window and then keep on using 'set' to update that. However, when you say that there is n...

casi 11 años hace | 1

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