
Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

más de 12 años hace

Write data to spreadsheet.?
I suppose you could read the old data into MATLAB, concatenate and then overwrite old .xls file? Maybe not the fastest solution....

más de 12 años hace | 0

| aceptada

what is the difference between noise and outlier????..
I guess noise causes outliers, but not all outliers are caused by noise :)

más de 12 años hace | 0


HISTEQ normalization range not clear
When I tried to equalize an image using histeq I got an unexpected result. The original has values in the range 0-199 and the ou...

más de 12 años hace | 0 respuestas | 0



how to normalize two discrete time series signal to same time duration???
Use interp1. Or create a fit using fit or polyfit. But beware the difference between interpolation and extrapolation.

más de 12 años hace | 0

Symmetric Positive Semi-definate Covariance matrix using mvnrnd
isequal(sum(eig(SIGMA)>0),length(eig(SIGMA))) Why does eig(SIGMA) give negative eigenvalues?

más de 12 años hace | 1

how can i make a function which will return the largest and the second largest component?
Or: if sum(C==max(C))==1 second = max(C(C<max(C))); else second = max(C); end i.e. test if the maximum i...

más de 12 años hace | 0

Normalizing data
Dividing by the maximum does not correct for offset. So only ranges 0-X go to 0-1. If his column has a negative or nonzero minim...

más de 12 años hace | 0


HISTEQ default not consistent with syntax?
If I have an 8-bit image IM (e.g. cameraman.tif), why does histeq(IM) produce a different result than histeq(IM,ones(1,256))?? ...

más de 12 años hace | 1 respuesta | 0



histogram and histogram equalization of an image without using built-in functions
I gave an example here: <

más de 12 años hace | 0

I want to know if we can implement histogram equalization without the histeq function?
4 bit grayscale example: grayLevels = (0:15); %Histogram of image, counts per level: grayHist = [0 0...

más de 12 años hace | 0

Low level visual equalization of images
I'm assuming the resolutions are identical. If images have different content it's hard to give them equal parameters. One coul...

más de 12 años hace | 0