
short or buy ? take the opportunity
you had already calculated a theoretical stock value, now you checked in bloomberg the quoted price of that stock and you have t...

más de 5 años hace


continuous compounding
what's the present value of having 100 dollars after n years given a continuously compounded rate i ? keep only 2 decimals pleas...

más de 5 años hace


basic finance application
i watch bloomberg everyday and i want to estimate a stock price stability, so i have to calculate the momentum & the rate of cha...

más de 5 años hace


find the logic,easy one
find the logic behind, example x=18 y=306 x=53 y=2756

más de 5 años hace


free points
function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x(1)+x(2); end

más de 5 años hace


Tax Calculator
Calculate the tax for a given income. 10% tax is paid for any income up to $2,000. 20% tax is paid for additional income u...

más de 5 años hace


Vector push
Append an element |x| to the end of the vector |v| and return both the extended vector and the new number of its elements. |x| c...

más de 5 años hace


The average of the second largest values
Given a matrix, find the average of the second largest values in each row. The same value does not exist on a row. Example: ...

más de 5 años hace


Find the starting index of a consecutive condition
Given a logical vector |v|, and a positive integer |n|, return the smallest index |i| that satisfies: all( v(i : i+n-1) ) =...

más de 5 años hace


Please check if calorie intake is less than 300 kcal.
I like eating some puddings and some chocolate cookies around 3 o'clock. However, I care about calorie intake. Please check whe...

más de 5 años hace


Curve fitting (linear functions) & function handles
In this problem you are provided some raw data. You need to find a way of summarising the data with just a few parameters, so t...

más de 5 años hace


Happy Free Wednesday!
Just submit your solution on any Wednesday. *Related Challenges:* # Happy Free Wednesday! # Happy Free 2019! # Happy Fr...

más de 5 años hace


Calculating the total earnings of a factory
The row vector, prods contains the number of various products manufactured per hour. The second row vector, prices holds values ...

más de 5 años hace


The maximum sum of squares (testing)
Create a function file with an input maxval to determine the maximum number of terms for the series 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + ... such t...

más de 5 años hace


Sum of diagonals
Compute the sum of diagonal elements of a square matrix and store the larger sum to s. Eg : a = [1 2 3; 2 3 4; 4 5 10] ...

más de 5 años hace


Find the Pattern
Find the pattern between input and output. Write a function that gives the correct output for any input. *Hint: magic*

más de 5 años hace


New Matrix with vector addition on diagonal
consider 2 vectors x=[1 2 3] y=[4 5 6] then generate a new Matrix, where Addition of x & y will be diagonal Elements...

más de 5 años hace


Find the area of a triangle having vertices (A,B), (C,D), and (E,F)
Find the area of a triangle using if we have the three vertices of the triangle

más de 5 años hace


basic matrix operations: rotate and find sum of diagonal elements of the resultant matrix
For given input matrix a, rotate it by 90 degrees and find the sum of the diagonals. Example: Input: a = 1 ...

más de 5 años hace


Sum of unique multiples of 3 and 5
If we list all the natural numbers up to 15 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12 and 15. The sum of these mul...

más de 5 años hace


The Google Interview: Two Eggs Problem
Consider the following problem, a popular Google interview question: A firm has invented a super-strong egg. For publicity pu...

más de 5 años hace


Solve The Equation
The coefficients of a system of equations are given in two vectors, x1 and x2. Write a function to solve the equation and return...

más de 5 años hace


Determine if input is odd or even
Determine if input is odd or even, sample problem

más de 5 años hace


Easy problem
This is an easy problem. Just click on submit.

más de 5 años hace


Number Power
Raise a number to itself.

más de 5 años hace


Scalar Matrix Manipulation
Assume, input x is a scalar matrix such as, x = 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 th...

más de 5 años hace


Say type of roots in quadratic equation
Given the coefficients of a quadratic equation, write a function that gives the output y='RealDifferent' if the roots are real a...

más de 5 años hace


Beat the test suite if you can :)
Solve this problem based on clues in the test suite.

más de 5 años hace


Create a matrix with difference of each row of input matrix
With a given input matrix A, create a output matrix B in such a way that each row in B is a difference of rows of input matrix A...

más de 5 años hace


the number of inputs
Find the number of the inputs of the function. example y = theinputnumber(x,k); function called theinputnumber has 2 in...

más de 5 años hace

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