
Given a box, find the volume of the cube. With each side = a.

alrededor de 7 años hace


Create an index-powered vector
Given a input vector x, return y as index-powered vector as shown below. Example x = [2 3 6 9] then y should be [...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Area of a circle
Given the radius x, y would be the area of a circle. Pi = 3.1416

alrededor de 7 años hace


Find nearest prime number less than input number
Find nearest prime number less than input number . For example: if the input number is 125, then the nearest prime number whi...

alrededor de 7 años hace


UICBioE240 problem 1.2
Convert a column vector into a row vector. So if A = [1; 2; 3] Then B = [ 1 2 3]

alrededor de 7 años hace


Calculate the derivative of a polynomial
Example: in = [ 1 1 1 ] out = [ 2 1 ]

alrededor de 7 años hace


Sum the elements in either diagonal of a square matrix
Sum the elements of a square matrix that lie on either the major diagonal or anti-diagonal. (Include all elements that are part ...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Compute the step response of a DC motor
Compute the step response of a DC motor shown below <<>> The param...

alrededor de 7 años hace


"Low : High - Low : High - Turn around " -- Create a subindices vector
Let two vectors *lo* and *hi* be given. The job is to create a index vector like so idx = [lo(1):hi(1) lo(2):hi(2) ...]...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Column norms of a matrix
Given a matrix M, return a vector y such that for each k y(k)=norm(M(:,k)) (y(k) is the Euclidean norm of the k-th col...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Given a matrix, return the last eigen value
Given a matrix, return the first eigen value For example: x = magic(5) 17 24 1 8 15 23 5 7 14 ...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Find the product of a Vector
How would you find the product of the vector [1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0] times 2?; x = [1 : 0.5 : 6]; y ...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Change the sign of even index entries of the reversed vector
change the signs of the even index entries of the reversed vector example 1 vec = [4 -1 -2 9] ans = [9 2 -1 -4] example2...

alrededor de 7 años hace


square root
Find the square root (y) of an input (x).

alrededor de 7 años hace


Matlab Basics - Pick out parts of a vector
Consider x a vector of length >= 7 (there are at least 7 elements in the vector, write a script that extracts the 2nd element, a...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Binary Coder
Take an input number and print the binary value of this number.

alrededor de 7 años hace


Flip the vector from right to left
Flip the vector from right to left. Examples x=[1:5], then y=[5 4 3 2 1] x=[1 4 6], then y=[6 4 1]; Request not ...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Getting the indices from a matrice
Getting the indices from a matrice. Inspired by Problem 645. Getting the indices from a vector by the great Doug Hull. Given a...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Related Vectors
I have two vectors A & B. If the values in vector A is zero then the corresponding value in vector B should be zero. Example:...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Test if two numbers have the same digits
Given two integers _x1_ and _x2_, return |true| if the numbers written with no leading zeros contain the same digits. That is, t...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Matlab Basics - Rounding III
Write a script to round a large number to the nearest 10,000 e.g. x = 12,358,466,243 --> y = 12,358,470,000

alrededor de 7 años hace


Make a low pass filter
Make a first order low pass filter that will filter out the high frequency oscillations for the given input signal. The cut-off ...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Test Problem; Create a 5x5 array containing all ones
This is a test for learning the process of creating a Cody problem. The goal of this test problem will be to create an array,...

alrededor de 7 años hace


y equals x divided by 2
function y = x/2

alrededor de 7 años hace


Generate pi using logarithm
Generate pi using logarithm

alrededor de 7 años hace


Matlab Basics - Set unwanted parts of a vector to zero
Consider a vector x, of length >= 7, write a script to set elements 2, 5, and 6 to zero. Example x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] --> ...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Array of Ones
Create a 100 X 100 array of ones.

alrededor de 7 años hace


Produce a Fibonacci sequence
Construct a diagram that generates the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34.....up to 377 The Fibonacci sequ...

alrededor de 7 años hace


Sudoku square
We have a small Sudoku square, but one number is missing. x = [ 1 5 4 8 6 3 0 9 7 ] Make a function, wher...

alrededor de 7 años hace


How many jokers?
* Given DNA codes of a group of suspects, * and a code for certain types of jokers, * Count how many jokers of that type. * ...

alrededor de 7 años hace

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