[DISCONTINUED] MATLAB Answers Wish-list #5 (and bug reports)
Has there been any further thought on changing what is considered a compulsory field for users asking a question? Title, body a...

más de 5 años hace | 4

How to define range using a variable in xlsread?
doc sprintf can create a string out of variables, e.g. columnStr = 'B'; startRow = 50; endRow = 50; sprintf( '%s%i:EHI%i', ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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SOM codebook vectors output
net.IW{1} will give you the codebook vectors/weights. For example: x = simplecluster_dataset; net = selforgmap([8 8]); net ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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How to automatically put the asked values in function by script?
You would have to define a function that takes two arguments (or an array of inputs to add), e.g. for an example of a fixed two ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
Results_Values=[Amp',N',T',[velocity NaN].'];

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Could anyone help me how to store the result together in single matrix.
Making minimal changes to your code: B=[1 2; 1 3; 2 5; 2 4; 3 5; 4 6; ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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How to generate random matrix from another one?
newMatrix = reshape( oldMatrix( randperm( numel( oldMatrix ) ) ), size( oldMatrix ) ); should work, though I'm sure there are n...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Array indices must be positive integers or logical values
for i = length(Mag) doesn't make sense as this will just evaluate to a scalar. I don't see how this would be the source of you...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Put label in colorbar
The label object should have a position that you can edit. The rotation of 270 rather than 90 moves it inside the tick labels f...

más de 5 años hace | 7

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Determination of data points in each cluster of K-means algorithm
accumarray( idx, 1 );

más de 5 años hace | 1

undefined function 'isnan' for input arguments of type 'table'
Assuming data is a table, try using curley braces { } instead of parentheses ( ), i.e. y=data{:,20}; X=data{:,[17:19,21:29]}; ...

más de 5 años hace | 2

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Transfer variables within function with different properties.
Either return it as an output argument from the previous function and pass it in as an input argument or store it as a class pro...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Using the function fmincon
The first argument needs to be a function handle, not a call to the function, although your function is FUNCTION so I'm not sure...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Define function for rounding to precision
Usual scenario would be to multiply by 10^decimalPlaces, ceil and then divide by 10^decimalPlaces I would imagine. e.g. ceil( ...

más de 5 años hace | 1

How to plot the curve?
R = B ./ ( 1 + k'/2 ); figure; plot( R ) or R = bsxfun( @rdivide, B, ( 1 + k'/2 ) ); for earlier versions of Matlab that don...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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max value in a repetitive vector
maxes = [vec( diff( vec ) < 0 ), vec(end)]; works if it is as structured as your example always, where vec is your vector. If ...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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How can I download matlab R2016a?
Click on your symbol in the top-right of this page, next to the telephone icon and click on 'My Account'. In your licencse list...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Average of matrix element
cumsum( [a; b; c; d] ) ./ ( 1:4 )';

más de 5 años hace | 0

Group maths on for loop
omegas=0:1:10; RR=40:70; d=90; numOmegas = numel( omegas ); numRR = numel( RR ); gg = zeros( numOmegas, numRR ); for i=1...

más de 5 años hace | 0

How to work the Mean function
doc mean shows you the syntax of the mean function. It expects an array, not multiple arguments. Generally you take the mean ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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returning an object handle from a function
Try passing in gobjects(0) instead. Yours works fine for me in Matlab, but maybe from simulink it is different and the type o...

más de 5 años hace | 0

R2014b uipanel not showing on figure.
You need to define Units ahead of Position else the Position will be interpreted in default units (which are 'normalized') befor...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Delete empty field - rows in a structure
Added as an answer since it seemed to solve the problem. Track_20( all( cell2mat( arrayfun( @(x) structfun( @isempty, x ), Trac...

más de 5 años hace | 6

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Scale X and Y separately in a matrix
B = imresize(A,[numrows numcols]) is the second syntax given in the documentation. If you pass in a numrows the same as the cu...

más de 5 años hace | 1

For Loop Problem error
img=imread('C:\Users\Shalaw\Downloads\gray.jpeg'); [n,m]=size(img); part{1}=img(1:n/2,1:m/2); part{2}=img(1:n/2,(m/2)+1:end...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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master study: requirements for laptop and windows version
A 5 second google search brought me to this:

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Colorbar colors wont scale to changed scale limits
You should be using doc caxis to change colourmap limits, not directly going into the colourbar object and changing its ylims....

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Create an Array/a List of Position
Position_List = reshape( position', 1, [] );

más de 5 años hace | 0

How to remove hundreds of columns from a matrix?
First thing that comes to mind, which may or may not be the only problem: Never delete parts of an array from the front in a lo...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Find all combinaisons of sum of two vector that corresponds to the value of a third vector
Well, what you wrote: 1./(1./A + 1./B) will give you answers you can compare to C as e.g. abs( 1./(1./A + 1./B) - C ) to giv...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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