Trouble with Enable subsystem.
Hi Prakash, no, the enable system does not compute when the enable signal is not positive. But the outport hold the last comp...

casi 9 años hace | 0

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what is the simplest way to add two vectors if size is unknown?
Hi, if you know that v is a row: x = v + u(:)'; Titus

casi 9 años hace | 1

Matlab Java Builder Error - javac
Hi, the builder tries to execute the following call: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin\bin\javac" ... I guess yo...

casi 9 años hace | 1

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Does set_param have a numerical accuracy limit? If so, what can I do to solve the problem?
Dear Prof. Beucher, it's not a bug in set_param but the way it's used, e.g. set_param('DynSystem/TF1','Numerator',num2st...

casi 9 años hace | 0

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Can anyone tell me the syntax to create a new variable in each iteration of for loop
Hi, I strongly recommend to use cell arrays instead of creating variables that way: u_Q1_H = cell(1, 4); v_Q1_H = cel...

casi 9 años hace | 1

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How do I declare a variable non-automatically on Matlab?
Hi Ricardo, you can use struct and repmat to initialize your structure: B = repmat( struct( ... 'obs', 0, ... ...

casi 9 años hace | 0

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If loop using cell arrays
Hi, I'm not 100% sure I understand what you want to do, but I guess it should be like this for i=1:length(A) if all...

casi 9 años hace | 0

GUI can not run well in MCR
Hi, it would be good to find out what's failing. Open a console window (Windows Start-> CMD). Navigate to the folder where th...

casi 9 años hace | 0

How can I fix error in fzero (line 241)
Hi, fzero works for scalar valued functions. Looking at your function I guess it's not scalar valued (i.e., if you call your ...

casi 9 años hace | 0

How to connect function blocks in Simulink "wirelessly"?
Hi, you can use From/Goto blocks to do this. Generally speaking wires are preferred, but sometimes using From/Goto helps to m...

casi 9 años hace | 0

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Concatenating matrix with itself x number of times
Hi, use the function repmat: repmat(t, x, 1) Titus

casi 9 años hace | 0

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Clear function works in command window but not in script file
You can either use clear as function as you did, or use string concatenation. Since you need to use evalin anyway, string concat...

casi 9 años hace | 0

Using 'union' function in a loop over fieldnames
Hi, what do you mean by "not working as expected". Does it throw an error? Wrong result? Nothing happens? One thing that y...

casi 9 años hace | 1

Database Toolbox Not loading all of the tables
Hi, are you using SQL Server? And configured via ODBC database sources? Often the default database is not specified or not co...

casi 9 años hace | 0

Applying a negative to the function to find the maximum
Hi, your minus should span the entire function, i.e. f = @(x) -(p1*x^4 + p2*x^3 + p3*x^2 + p4*x + p5); Titus

casi 9 años hace | 0

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How to convert C++ code into Matlab. How to write the below given part of code into matlab
Hi Vandana, that should be straight forward: function y = logistic(x) y = zeros(size(x)); y(x>100) = 1.0; idx = x>=-1...

casi 9 años hace | 0

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Is it possible to concatenate argument lists in nested factory functions?
Hi, I'm not 100% sure about what you try to achieve, but solely looking on the indexing, I think it should look more like ...

casi 9 años hace | 0

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Why does it takes two calls to rng(seed) to see that the seed was updated?
Hi, no, there is a misunderstanding: the call s=rng(100) does two things, namely, setting the seed to 100 and returning the c...

casi 9 años hace | 1

how to solve y[n]=a0*x[n]-a1*x[n-1] in matlab?
Hi, use the function filter: doc filter Titus

casi 9 años hace | 0

not enough input arguments
Hi Puneeth, please format the code using the code button. I guess, line 6 is B_encrypted=enc_gf*B; which would mea...

casi 9 años hace | 0

Large data mex file crashes generating 2e6 x 100 matrix
Hi, another thought: I'm not convinced that using a mex file will help you save memory. If you read the matrix S from your fi...

casi 9 años hace | 0

Large data mex file crashes generating 2e6 x 100 matrix
Hi, I'm not sure where the crash comes from. But what I think is strange is the size of variable line. Why is it N, i.e., A *...

casi 9 años hace | 0

how to average hourly data set.
Hi, I admit I have no idea where the 180*360 comes from in your "final dimension". But to compute the mean value of each bloc...

casi 9 años hace | 0

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Can't find the embedded function in simulink R2015a
Hi Solene, the block is now simply called "MATLAB Function" instead of Embedded MATLAB Function. Titus

casi 9 años hace | 0

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Dot product of matrix with scalar
Hi, multiplying each row with a vector is nothing else but the matrix vector multiplication: B*n' (n' since your n is...

casi 9 años hace | 1

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Loading .mat files with same variable name
Hi, the main idea is to use load with a return argument instead of as a command, something like files = dir('*.mat'); ...

casi 9 años hace | 4

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Loop over fieldnames in a matlab structure
Hi David, generally speaking you seem to know how to loop on fieldnames ... I'm not sure now where your problem is? You can c...

casi 9 años hace | 5

Conditionally replace matrix elements from other corresponding matrix
Hi Matt, two changes: you need to use "&" instead of "&&" to work for vectors, and you need to index into Y the same way. ...

casi 9 años hace | 2

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Unrealistic results from integration
Hi, I'm not getting the values that are supposed to be the correct values, but here is a slightly cleaner version of your cod...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How can I use all MATLAB functions in C# ?
Yes and no: * You can use the < MATLAB ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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