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Display Measurements with Cockpit Instruments

You can view signal data using any of the flight instrument blocks. This example uses the HL-20 with Flight Instrumentation Blocks model. In this example, connect a gauge so that you can view the aircraft heading.

  1. To open the model, at the MATLAB® command window, enter openExample('HL20Gauges').

  2. Open the Visualization subsystem.

    There is an existing Airspeed Indicator block in the model.

  3. Add a second Airspeed Indicator block from the Flight Instruments library to the subsystem.

  4. Open the new Airspeed Indicator block.

  5. Select the Extract Flight Instruments block.

  6. In the new Airspeed Indicator block, observe that the block connection table is filled with signals from the Extract Flight Instruments block that you can observe.

    Airspeed Indicator block with Extract Flight Instruments signals

  7. Select the option button next to Extract_Gauges:2 in the connection table.

  8. To connect the Extract_Gauges:2 signal to the Airspeed Indicator block, click OK.


    To directly select the signal to connect, on the Extract Flight Instruments block, select the third output port (Roll Flightpath).

  9. Simulate the model and observe the gauge as it registers the data.

  10. To change the signal to connect to, you can:

    • Select the same or another block and then select another signal in the updated block connection table.

    • Select another output port for the same or a different block.

  11. Close the model without saving it.

To create a Simulink® model with prewired connections to flight instrument blocks, see flightControl3DOFAirframeTemplate.

See Also

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