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MATLAB Animation

Create six-degrees-of-freedom multibody custom geometry block

  • MATLAB Animation block

Aerospace Blockset / Animation / MATLAB-Based Animation


The MATLAB Animation block creates a six-degrees-of-freedom multibody custom geometry block based on the Aero.Animation object. This block animates one or more vehicle geometries with x-y-z position and Euler angles through the specified bounding box, camera offset, and field of view. This block expects the rotation order z-y-x (psi, theta, phi).

To update the camera parameters in the animation, first set the parameters then close and double-click the block to reopen the MATLAB® Animation window.

To access the parameters for this block, do one of:

  • Right-click the block, then select Mask > Mask Parameters.

  • Double-click the block to display the MATLAB Animation window, then click the Block Parameters icon.


The underlying graphics system stores values in single precision. As a result, you might notice that motion at coordinate positions greater than approximately 1e6 appear unstable. This is because a single-precision number has approximately six digits of precision. The instability is due to quantization at the local value of the eps MATLAB function. To visualize more stable motion for coordinates beyond 1e6, either offset the input data to a local zero, or scale down the coordinate values feeding the visualization.



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Downrange position, crossrange position, and altitude of the vehicle in Earth coordinates, specified as a three-element vector. The number on the port indicates the vehicle number.

Data Types: double

Downrange position, crossrange position, and altitude of the vehicle in Earth coordinates, specified as a three-element vector. The number on the port indicates the vehicle number.

Data Types: double

Euler angles (roll, pitch, and yaw) of the vehicle, specified as a three-element vector. The number on the port indicates the vehicle number.

Data Types: double

Nth downrange position, crossrange position, and altitude (positive down) of the vehicle, specified as a three-element vector. The number on the port indicates the vehicle number.


To enable this port, select a Vehicles number from 2 to 10.

Data Types: double

Nth input Euler angles (roll, pitch, and yaw) of the vehicle, specified as a three-element vector. The number on the port indicates the vehicle number.


To enable this port, select a Vehicles number from 2 to 10.

Data Types: double


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Vehicle to animate, specified from 1 to 10.


Selecting a vehicle number from 2 to 10 adds corresponding input ports. Each vehicle has its own set of input ports, denoted by the number at the beginning of the input port label.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: Vehicles
Type: character vector
Values: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Default: '1'

Vehicle geometries, specified in a MAT-file. You can specify these geometries using:

  • Variable name, for example geomVar

  • Cell array of variable names, for example {geomVar, AltGeomVar}

  • Character vector with single quotes, for example, 'astredwedge.mat'

  • Mixed cell array of variable names and character vectors, for example {'file1.mat', 'file2.mat', '', geomVar}


All specified geometries specified must exist in the MATLAB workspace and file names must exist in the current folder or be on the MATLAB path.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: Geometries
Type: character vector
Values: MAT-file
Default: 'astredwedge.mat'

Boundary coordinates for the vehicle, specified as a six-element vector.

This parameter is not tunable during simulation. A change to this parameter takes effect after simulation stops.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: BoundingBoxCoordinates
Type: character vector
Values: six-element vector
Default: '[-50,50,-50,50,-50,50]'

Distance from the camera aim point to the camera itself, specified as a three-element vector.

This parameter is not tunable during simulation. A change to this parameter takes effect after simulation stops.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: CameraOffset
Type: character vector
Values: three-element vector
Default: '[-150,-50,0]'

Camera view angle, specified as a double scalar. By default, the camera aim point is the position of the first body lagged dynamically to indicate motion.

This parameter is not tunable during simulation. A change to this parameter takes effect after simulation stops.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: CameraViewAngle
Type: character vector
Values: double scalar
Default: '3'

Sample time (-1 for inherited), specified as a double scalar.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: SampleTime
Type: character vector
Values: double scalar
Default: '0.2'

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2007a

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