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Simulation of a Plucked String

This example shows how to simulate a plucked string using digital waveguide synthesis.


A digital waveguide is a computational model for physical media through which sound propagates. They are essentially bidirectional delay lines with some wave impedance. Each delay line can be thought of as a sampled acoustic traveling wave. Using the digital waveguide, a linear one-dimensional acoustic system like the vibration of a guitar string can be modeled.

Exploring the Example

The result of the simulation is automatically played back using the Audio Device Writer block. To see the implementation, look under the Digital Waveguide Synthesis block by right clicking on the block and selecting Mask > Look Under Mask.


This Simulink® implementation is based on a MATLAB® file implementation available from Daniel Ellis's home page at Columbia University.


The online textbook Digital Waveguide Modeling of Musical Instruments by Julius O. Smith III covers significant background related to digital waveguides.

The Harmony Central website also provides useful background information on a variety of related topics.

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