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Phylogenetic Analysis

Reconstruct, view, interact with, and edit phylogenetic trees; bootstrap methods for confidence assessment; synonymous and nonsynonymous analysis

Build phylogenetic trees from pairwise distances of sequences and determine the evolutionary relationships between organisms. Estimate synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates using maximum likelihood. Visualize and edit phylogenetic tree data in the Phylogenetic Tree app.


Phylogenetic TreeVisualize, edit, and explore phylogenetic tree data


seqlinkageConstruct phylogenetic tree from pairwise distances
seqneighjoinConstruct phylogenetic tree using neighbor-joining method
seqpdistCalculate pairwise distance between sequences
phytreeviewerVisualize, edit, and explore phylogenetic tree data
dndsEstimate synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates
dndsmlEstimate synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates using maximum likelihood method
gethmmtreeRetrieve phylogenetic tree data from PFAM database
seqinsertgapsInsert gaps into nucleotide or amino acid sequence


phytreeData structure containing phylogenetic tree


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