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Bug Finder Analysis with Windows or Linux Scripts

Check C/C++ code for defects using batch files (.bat) or shell scripts (.sh)

Use Windows or Linux scripts to configure and run a Polyspace® analysis. Learn about the available DOS/UNIX commands, and about how to use these commands to run Polyspace from the command-line.

To save typing the full path to the commands, add the path polyspaceroot\polyspace\bin to the Path environment variable on your operating system. Here, polyspaceroot is the Polyspace installation folder, for instance, C:\Program Files\Polyspace\R2024b. See also Install Polyspace Desktop Products.

DOS/UNIX Commands

polyspace-bug-finder(DOS/UNIX) Run a Bug Finder analysis from Windows, Linux, or other command line
polyspace-comments-import(DOS/UNIX) Import review information from previous Polyspace analysis
polyspace-configure(DOS/UNIX) Create Polyspace project from your build system at the DOS or UNIX command line
polyspace-report-generator(DOS/UNIX) Generate reports for Polyspace analysis results stored locally or on Polyspace Access
polyspace-results-export(DOS/UNIX) Export Polyspace results to external formats such as CSV or JSON


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