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Run Polyspace using list of options


-options-file file


-options-file file specifies the file that lists your analysis options. The file must be a text file with each option on a separate line. Use # to add comments to this file.

If you are running an analysis from the user interface (Polyspace® desktop products only), on the Configuration pane, you can enter this option in the Other field. See Other.

When using this option in the user interface, in the Other field, specify the absolute path to your options file. For instance:

-options-file C:\psconfig\listofoptions.txt
When using this option in the command line, you can use relative path of the options file as the input.


  1. Create an options file called listofoptions.txt with your options. For example:

    • Bug Finder or Bug Finder Server:

      #These are the options for MyBugFinderProject
      -lang c
      -prog MyBugFinderProject
      -author jsmith
      -sources "mymain.c,funAlgebra.c,funGeometry.c"
      -target x86_64
      -compiler generic
      -misra2 required-rules
      -do-not-generate-results-for all-headers
      -checkers default
      -disable-checkers concurrency
      -results-dir C:\Polyspace\MyBugFinderProject
    • Code Prover or Code Prover Server:

      #These are the options for MyCodeProverProject
      -lang c
      -prog MyCodeProverProject
      -author jsmith
      -sources "mymain.c,funAlgebra.c,funGeometry.c"
      -target x86_64
      -compiler generic
      -misra2 required-rules
      -do-not-generate-results-for all-headers
      -results-dir C:\Polyspace\MyCodeProverProject

  2. Run Polyspace using options in the file listofoptions.txt:

    • Bug Finder:

      polyspace-bug-finder -options-file listofoptions.txt
    • Code Prover:

      polyspace-code-prover -options-file listofoptions.txt
    • Bug Finder Server:

      polyspace-bug-finder-server -options-file listofoptions.txt
    • Code Prover Server:

      polyspace-code-prover-server -options-file listofoptions.txt

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