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Specify source files


-sources file1[,file2,...]
-sources file1 -sources file2


-sources file1[,file2,...] or -sources file1 -sources file2 specifies the list of source files that you want to analyze. You can use standard UNIX® wildcards with this option to specify your sources.

The source files are compiled in the order in which they are specified.


Analyze the files mymain.c, funAlgebra.c, and funGeometry.c.

  • Bug Finder:

    polyspace-bug-finder -sources mymain.c,funAlgebra.c,funGeometry.c
  • Code Prover:

    polyspace-code-prover -sources mymain.c,funAlgebra.c,funGeometry.c
  • Bug Finder Server:

    polyspace-bug-finder-server -sources mymain.c,funAlgebra.c,funGeometry.c
  • Code Prover Server:

    polyspace-code-prover-server -sources mymain.c,funAlgebra.c,funGeometry.c
  • Polyspace as You Code:

    polyspace-bug-finder-access -sources myfile.c

    Note that you can only analyze one file at a time with Polyspace as You Code.


This option is useful for Polyspace® analysis from the command line. In the Polyspace user interface, you add the source files during project setup. See Add Source Files for Analysis in Polyspace User Interface.

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