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Configure and Run Analysis

Set up Polyspace® Bug Finder™ analysis on desktop, server, or IDEs

Check C/C++ code for defects (bugs), coding rule violations or violations of security standards. Depending on your product configuration, you might be running an analysis on one of these locations:

  • Desktop: If you are running Polyspace Bug Finder, you can analyze code in the Polyspace user interface, using scripts, or from another app such as Simulink® or MATLAB® Coder™. You can even dispatch the analysis to a server (where the analysis runs using Polyspace Bug Finder Server) and download the results to your desktop. You can also run Polyspace Bug Finder on complete projects in Eclipse and Visual Studio.

  • Server: If you are running Polyspace Bug Finder Server™, you can schedule automated runs on servers using Continuous Integration (CI) tools such as Jenkins®.

  • IDEs: If you are running Polyspace as You Code in IDEs such as Eclipse, Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, you can analyze the file that is currently open in your IDE.


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