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Differences in Configuration Options Between Polyspace Projects and Polyspace Platform Projects

Polyspace Platform is an integrated environment that supports static analysis and dynamic testing of C/C++ code with Polyspace® products. Since R2023b, Polyspace Platform provides a common infrastructure and user interface for setting up and running all Polyspace products. The standard Polyspace user interface supports only the static analysis products, Polyspace Code Prover™ and Polyspace Bug Finder™.

If you switch from the standard Polyspace user interface to the Polyspace Platform user interface, you might notice some minor differences in options from what you were used to in the older user interface. This topic lists the differences in configuration options between a project created in the Polyspace Platform user interface and one created in the standard Polyspace user interface.

Differences in Configuration Layout

A project configuration in the standard Polyspace user interface looks like the following image. The analysis options in the configuration are distributed across several nodes such as Target & Compiler, Inputs & Stubbing, and so on.

Layout of older Polyspace project configuration

A project configuration in the Polyspace Platform user interface looks like the following image.

Layout of Polyspace Platform project configuration

The analysis options are grouped into these tabs:

  • Project — This tab contains analysis options that apply to the entire project. For example, you can specify the source encoding for the source files in you project in this tab.

  • Build — This tab contains options that are not specific to a Polyspace product. For instance, the options on the Target & Compiler node allow you to specify a C++ standard version. The standard version is used when compiling your code and tests with Polyspace Test™ or when performing static analysis with Polyspace Bug Finder or Polyspace Code Prover.

  • Static Analysis — This tab contains options that apply to the static analysis products, Polyspace Bug Finder and Polyspace Code Prover. On this tab:

    • The Defects and Coding Standards node and the nodes below contain options that apply to Bug Finder only.

    • The Run Time Errors node and the nodes below contain options that apply to Code Prover only.

    • The remaining options apply to both Bug Finder and Code Prover.

  • Testing & Profiling — This tab contains options that apply only to Polyspace Test.

Differences in Options

The following sections list options in the standard Polyspace user interface that appear differently in a Polyspace Platform project. The options are grouped below based on configuration nodes in the standard Polyspace user interface.

Target & Compiler

This node appears on the Build tab in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. All options are unchanged exception the following.

Option in Polyspace Project (.psprj file)Option in Polyspace Platform Project (.psprjx file)Details
CompilerCompilation toolchain (Static analysis)

Option renamed.

For these compilers, the compiler is paired with multiple targets in separate entries:

  • armcc

  • armclang

  • codewarrior

  • cosmic

  • diab

  • iar-ew

  • intel

  • microchip

  • greenhills

  • renesas

  • tasking

  • ti

Pick the entry appropriate for your target. For all other compilers, you can specify the target using the option Processor.

Target Processor TypeProcessor

Option renamed.

This option applies to compilers other than the ones mentioned in the previous row. For compilers mentioned in the previous row, pick a target by selecting a compiler-target pair from the list for Compilation toolchain (Static analysis).

Division round downRound down results of negative integer division

Option renamed.

Signed right shiftShift right on signed integers as arithmetic shift

Option renamed.

Also, converted from dropdown to a check box. The dropdown values are remapped as follows:

  • Arithmetical → On

  • Logical → Off

Management of size_tType of size_t

Option renamed.

This option is available only when you edit processor details using the option Processor.

Management of wchar_tType of wchar_t

Option renamed.

This option is available only when you edit processor details using the option Processor.

Block char16/32_t typesRemoved

The option was useful for versions of GCC older than 4.7 and are not required anymore.

The option can still be used as an advanced option (-no-uliterals) if needed.

Enum type definitionUnderlying type of enum

Option renamed.

This option is available only when you edit processor details using the option Processor.

Ignore pragma pack directivesRemoved

The option is typically required only by Technical Support for troubleshooting.

The option can still be used as an advanced option (-ignore-pragma-pack) if needed.

Sfr type supportNot available

You can enter the option as an advanced option (-sfr-types) if needed.


This node no longer exists in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. The options on this node have been migrated as follows.

Option in Polyspace Project (.psprj file)Option in Polyspace Platform Project (.psprjx file)Details
Preprocessor definitionsPreprocessor definitionsOption moved to Target & Compiler node (Build tab)
Disabled preprocessor definitionsDisabled preprocessor definitionsOption moved to Target & Compiler node (Build tab)

Environment Settings

This node appears on the Static Analysis tab in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. All options are unchanged exception the following.

Option in Polyspace Project (.psprj file)Option in Polyspace Platform Project (.psprjx file)Details
IncludeForced includes

Option renamed and moved to Target & Compiler node (Build tab).

Inputs & Stubbing

This node appears on the Static Analysis tab in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. All options are unchanged exception the following.

Option in Polyspace Project (.psprj file)Option in Polyspace Platform Project (.psprjx file)Details
Generate results for sources andGenerate results for sources and

Option moved to Defects and Coding Standards node (Static Analysis tab)

Do not generate results forDo not generate results for

Option moved to Defects and Coding Standards node (Static Analysis tab)


This node appears on the Static Analysis tab in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. All options are unchanged exception the following.

Option in Polyspace Project (.psprj file)Option in Polyspace Platform Project (.psprjx file)Details
External multitasking configuration
  • Specify multitasking configuration using file

  • External file for multitasking

Option split into two separate options.

Coding Standards & Code Metrics

This node no longer exists. The options on this node have been absorbed into the Defects and Coding Standards node (Static Analysis tab) as follows.

Option in Polyspace Project (.psprj file)Option in Polyspace Platform Project (.psprjx file)Details
  • Check MISRA C:2004

  • Check MISRA AC AGC

  • Check MISRA C:2012

  • Check SEI CERT-C

  • Check ISO/IEC TS 17961

  • Check Guidelines

  • Check CWE

  • Check custom rules


The coding standards have to be activated using these options:

  • Use custom checkers file

  • Checkers activation file

When creating a custom checkers file, you can pick a standard as well as specific rules or rule subsets from the standard.

Set checkers by file
  • Use custom checkers file

  • Checkers activation file

Option split into two separate options.

Unlike Set checkers by file, which came into effect only if you selected from-file for one of the coding standard options, the two new options both specify a set of checkers and enable them.

Use generated code requirementsUse generated code requirements

The previous option was shown only if you selected Check MISRA:C 2012. The current option is shown if you select Use custom checkers file.

Allowed pragmasAllowed pragmas

Option moved to Checkers Behavior node (Static Analysis tab)

Effective boolean typesEffective boolean types

Option moved to Checkers Behavior node (Static Analysis tab)

Bug Finder Analysis

This node no longer exists. The options on this node have been absorbed into the Defects and Coding Standards node (Static Analysis tab) as follows.

Option in Polyspace Project (.psprj file)Option in Polyspace Platform Project (.psprjx file)Details
Find defects
  • Use custom checkers file

  • Checkers activation file

Option split into two separate options.

If you set defect checkers using the option Find defects, the checkers are saved as part of the project configuration. With the new options, the checkers are saved in a separate file that you point from the project configuration.

Run stricter checks considering all values of system inputsRun stricter checks considering all values of system inputs

Option moved to Checkers Behavior node (Static Analysis tab)

Code Prover Verification

This node no longer exists. The options on this node now appear in the Run Time Errors node (Static Analysis tab). All options are unchanged.

Verification Assumptions

This node appears on the Static Analysis tab in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. All options are unchanged.

Check Behavior

This node appears on the Static Analysis tab in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. All options are unchanged.


This node appears on the Static Analysis tab in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. All options are unchanged except the following.

Option in Polyspace Project (.psprj file)Option in Polyspace Platform Project (.psprjx file)Details
Verification time limitVerification time limit

Option moved to Computing Settings node (Static Analysis tab)


This node appears on the Static Analysis tab in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. All options are unchanged except the following.

Option in Polyspace Project (.psprj file)Option in Polyspace Platform Project (.psprjx file)Details
Depth of verification inside structures
  • Set depth of verification inside structures

  • Depth of verification inside structures

Option split into two separate options.


This node appears on the Static Analysis tab in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. All options are unchanged.

Run Settings

This node no longer exists in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. The options on this node have been migrated as follows.

Option in Polyspace Project (.psprj file)Option in Polyspace Platform Project (.psprjx file)Details
  • Run Bug Finder analysis on a remote cluster

  • Run Code Prover analysis on a remote cluster

Not yet available

Running analysis on a remote cluster is not yet supported in Polyspace Platform.

Use fast analysis mode for Bug FinderNot yet available

Fast analysis mode is not yet supported in Polyspace Platform.

Advanced Settings

This node appears on the Static Analysis tab in a Polyspace Platform project configuration. All options are unchanged.

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