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Run License Manager on Amazon Web Services

Automate the process of launching a network license manager for MATLAB®, running on a Linux® virtual machine, using your Amazon® Web Services account.

You can connect MATLAB running on the cloud to a network license manager that is also running on the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS).


To use the network license manager reference architecture for AWS, you need:

  • An AWS® account. You are responsible for the costs of all AWS services.

  • An SSH key pair for your AWS account in your chosen region. For more information, see  Amazon EC2 Key Pairs.

  • A valid MathWorks® network license, configured for cloud use.

    To configure the network license for cloud use:

    1. Sign in to your MathWorks Account.

    2. Select the license you want to use.

    3. Go to Install and Activate.

    4. In the text box for License Manager, click the edit icon (a pencil).

    5. Follow the steps for Change Licensing.

  • To be an administrator of the network license that you want to use.


To launch the network license manager for MATLAB in AWS, use the reference architecture templates provided in the following GitHub® repository:

You can run the template directly from the link in the GitHub repository. Choose your MATLAB release, and then click the Launch Stack icon next to the region in which you want to deploy your resources.

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