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Environment Settings

Control compilation

To work around specific compilation errors, use the environment settings options. Before using these options, specify the Target & Compiler options. Then, to work around compilation errors that remain, use the Macros options for removal or simple substitution of unrecognized tokens. For more complex solutions to compilation and linking errors, use these options. For instance, you can specify a Perl script that substitutes occurrences of an unsupported code construct with regular expressions.

Polyspace Options

Source code encoding (-sources-encoding)Specify the encoding of source files
Code from DOS or Windows file system (-dos)Consider that file paths are in MS-DOS style
Stop analysis if a file does not compile (-stop-if-compile-error)Specify that a compilation error must stop the analysis
Command/script to apply to preprocessed files (-post-preprocessing-command)Specify command or script to run on source files after preprocessing phase of analysis
Include (-include)Specify files to be #include-ed by each C file in analysis



Troubleshoot Compilation and Linking Errors

Learn why Polyspace compilation can fail even if your compiler build succeeds and how to work around the failures.

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