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Prioritize Check Review

This example shows how to prioritize your check review. Try the following approach. You can also develop your own procedure for organizing your orange check review.


For easier review, run Polyspace® Bug Finder™ on your source code first. Once you address the defects that Polyspace Bug Finder finds, run Polyspace Code Prover™ on your code.

  1. Before beginning your check review, do the following:

    • See the Code covered by verification graph on the Dashboard pane. See if the Files, Functions and Code operations columns display a value closer to 100%. Otherwise, identify why Polyspace could not cover the code.

      For more information, see Reasons for Unchecked Code. If a substantial number of functions or code operations were not covered, after identifying and fixing the cause, run verification again.

    • See if you have used the right configuration. Select the link View configuration for results on the Dashboard pane.

      Sometimes, especially if you are switching between multiple configurations, you can accidentally use the wrong configuration for the verification.

  2. From the drop-down list in the left of the Results List pane toolbar, select Critical checks.

    This action retains only red, gray and critical orange checks.

  3. Click the forward arrow to go to the first unreviewed check. Review this check.

    For more information, see Interpret Code Prover Results in Polyspace Desktop User Interface.

    Continue to click the forward arrow until you have reviewed through all of the checks.

  4. Before reviewing orange checks, review red and gray checks.

  5. Prioritize your orange check review by:

    • Files and functions: For easier review, begin your orange check review from files and functions with fewer orange checks.

      To view the percentage of non-orange checks per file and function, on the Results List pane, from the list, select File. Right-click a column header and select %.

    • Check type: Review orange checks in the following order. Checks are more difficult to review as you go down this order.

    • Orange check sources: Review all orange checks caused by a single variable or function. Orange checks often arise from variables whose values cannot be determined from the code or functions that are not defined.

      To review the top sources, view the Top 5 orange sources graph on the Dashboard tab or the Orange Sources tab. You can also select an orange source on either tab to see only the orange checks caused by the source. For more information, see Filter Using Orange Sources.

    • Result details: Review all results that originate from the same cause. Sometimes, the Detail column on the Results List pane shows additional information about a result. For instance, if multiple issues trigger the same coding rule violation, this column shows the issue. Click the column header so that results that originate from the same type of issue are grouped together. Review the results in one go.

  6. To ensure that you have addressed all red and critical orange checks, run verification again and view your results.

  7. If you do not have red or unjustified critical orange checks, from the drop-down list in the left of the Results List pane toolbar, select All results.

    Depending on the quality level you want, you can choose whether to review the noncritical orange checks or not. For more information, see Managing Orange Checks in Polyspace Code Prover.

  8. To see what percentage of checks you have justified:

    1. If you want the percentage broken down by color and type, on the Results List pane, from the list, select Family. If you want the percentage broken down by file and function, select File.

    2. View the entries in the Justified column.

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