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Generate Code for Multiple Entry-Point Functions

An entry-point function is a stable interface to the generated code. For many applications, you only need to generate code for a single entry-point function. However, you can also generate C/C++ code for multiple entry-point functions simultaneously. By using multiple entry-point functions, you can:

  • Generate shared C/C++ libraries that have greater functionality than independent libraries for each entry-point function

  • Generate code that more efficiently shares subfunctions used by multiple entry-point functions

  • Generate library functions that can communicate using shared memory, such as when using the same global or persistent variables.

As a best practice, generate a MEX function to validate entry-point interactions in MATLAB® before generating a C/C++ library. See Check for Issues in MATLAB Code Using MEX Functions.

Specify Multiple Entry-Point Functions

To specify multiple entry-point functions, use one of these approaches:

  • If you use the MATLAB Coder™ app, on the Select page, select multiple entry-point functions.

  • If you generate code at the command line by using the codegen command, specify the entry-point functions followed by function arguments in a space-delimited list. For example, to generate code for entry-point functions myMult and myAdd, each of which takes two scalar double inputs, use this command:

    codegen myMult -args {0,0} myAdd -args {0,0}

    For more information about input-type specification, see Specify Types of Entry-Point Function Inputs.

Create Shared MEX Function

When you generate a MEX function for multiple entry-point functions, the code generates a single, shared MEX function. The default name and location of the shared MEX function depends on whether you generate code at the command line or by using the MATLAB Coder app.

Using the MATLAB Coder App

If you generate a MEX function by using the MATLAB Coder app, the app generates the MEX function in the same location as the MATLAB Coder project file. The app names the MEX function according to the Output file name property on the Generate page.

At the Command Line

If you generate a MEX function at the command line using the codegen command, the code generator saves the MEX function in the working directory. The code generator names the MEX function using the name of one of the entry-point functions. For example, generate code for function myMult and function myAdd in namespace myNamespace. The code generator creates a shared MEX function named myMult_mex in the working directory.

codegen myMult -args {0,0} myNamespace.myAdd -args {0,0}

The code generator creates a shared MEX function named myMult_mex.

You can specify the name of the generated MEX function by using the -o option of the codegen command. For example, generate code for function myFun and function myAdd in namespace myNamespace, and specify the name myMath for the shared MEX function. The code generator creates a shared MEX function named myMath in the working directory.

codegen -o myMath myMult -args {0,0} myNamespace.myAdd -args {0,0}

Use Shared MEX Functions

To call an individual entry-point function from a shared MEX function, pass the name of the entry-point function to the shared MEX function, followed by the required inputs. If the entry-point function is inside a namespace, call the function by using dot notation.

For example, to call the MEX function generated for myMult with sample inputs, use this syntax:

To call the MEX function generated for myAdd in the namespace myNamespace with sample inputs, use this syntax:
To learn more about code generation for functions in namespaces, see Code Generation for Entry-Point Functions in Namespaces.

Example: Generate Code for Multiple Entry-Point Functions Simultaneously

This example shows how to generate a multisignature MEX function and standalone C code for two functions simultaneously.

Define Functions

Define the function myAdd in the namespace additionFunctions. This function adds two inputs.

function out = myAdd(a,b)
out = a+b;

Define the function myMult in the base namespace. This function multiplies two inputs.

type myMult.m
function out = myMult(a,b)
out = a*b;

Test the functions in MATLAB by using sample inputs.

ans = 
ans = 

Generate a Shared MEX Function

Generate a shared MEX function for the two entry-point functions by using the codegen command. Specify two input arguments of type double for each function. Use the -o option to name the shared MEX function myMath. The code generator creates the MEX function myMath in the working directory. It generates the source, header, and object files in the folder codegen/mex/myMath.

codegen -o myMath additionFunctions.myAdd -args {0 0} myMult -args {0 0}
Code generation successful.

Call the shared MEX function for each entry-point function. You must specify the namespace when calling myAdd. Pass the same arguments you used to test the functions in MATLAB.

ans = 
ans = 

Generate C Code

Generate C code for additionFunctions.myAdd and myMult simultaneously. Use the -config:lib option to specify a C static library target. Use the -o option to instruct the code generator to use the name myMath when naming the shared source, header, and object files.

codegen -config:lib -o myMath additionFunctions.myAdd -args {0 0} myMult -args {0 0}
Code generation successful.

Examine the generated files. The code generator stores the generated files in the folder codegen/mex/myMath. The code generator begins the names of shared source, header, and object files with myMath, but it generates separate source and header files for each entry-point function.

 * File: additionFunctions_myAdd.c
 * MATLAB Coder version            : 24.2
 * C/C++ source code generated on  : 22-Jan-2025 23:09:43

/* Include Files */
#include "additionFunctions_myAdd.h"

/* Function Definitions */
 * Arguments    : double a
 *                double b
 * Return Type  : double
double additionFunctions_myAdd(double a, double b)
  return a + b;

 * File trailer for additionFunctions_myAdd.c
 * [EOF]
 * File: myMult.c
 * MATLAB Coder version            : 24.2
 * C/C++ source code generated on  : 22-Jan-2025 23:09:43

/* Include Files */
#include "myMult.h"

/* Function Definitions */
 * Arguments    : double a
 *                double b
 * Return Type  : double
double myMult(double a, double b)
  return a * b;

 * File trailer for myMult.c
 * [EOF]

See Also

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