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Channel I/O

The ADALM-PLUTO radio contains a single channel for either sending or receiving.

Transmit Data Using ADALM-PLUTO Radio Block

The ADALM-PLUTO radio transmitter block prepares input data for transmission using the ADALM-PLUTO radio hardware.


Use the ADALM-PLUTO transmitter block to transmit data input from a GSMK modulator block.

ADALM-PLUTO transmitter block

Connect a GMSK modulator to the ADALM-PLUTO transmitter input and to indicate when transmitted data is lost use the underflow output. Here a counter and a display output indicate a running total of data underflows. No data has been lost if the display shows 0.

Connect a GMSK modulator to the ADALM-PLUTO transmitter. Use underflow output port to indicate any data loss and a counter to display the total number of data underflows.

Receive Data Using ADALM-PLUTO Radio Block


Use the ADALM-PLUTO receiver block to process data received over the air by an ADALM-PLUTO radio.

ADALM-PLUTO receiver block

In this example clear the Enable output port for overflow indicator to hide that output. Connect a constant block and a slider block to specify the center frequency for signal to reception. At the output connect an FM broadcast demodulator an enable input. Connect the data output port to the FM broadcasr demodulator.

Transmit Data Using ADALM-PLUTO Radio System Object

Create a transmitter System object™ for ADALM-PLUTO radio hardware.

tx = sdrtx('Pluto', ...
            'RadioID','usb:0', ...
            'CenterFrequency',2.4e9, ...

Create a comm.DPSKModulator System object to modulate the transmitted signals.

dpskMod = comm.DPSKModulator('BitInput',true);

Transmit data.

for counter = 1:20
   data = randi([0 1],30,1);

Release the System object.


Receive Data Using ADALM-PLUTO Radio System Object

Create a receiver System object for ADALM-PLUTO radio hardware.

rx = sdrrx('Pluto');

Receive data.

data = rx();

Release the System object.


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