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MATLAB Runtime Startup Options

Set MATLAB Runtime Options

For a standalone executable, set MATLAB® Runtime options by specifying the -R flag and arguments. For example, specify a log file.

mcc -e -R '-logfile,bar.txt' -v foo.m

You can set options in the following ways:

  • The Additional Runtime Settings area of the compiler apps.

  • The mcc command using the -R flag.


Not all options are available for all compilation targets. For full details, see mcc -R.

Compiler App

In the Additional Runtime Settings area of the deploytool compiler apps, you can set the following options.

MATLAB Runtime Startup OptionDescriptionCompiler App Setting
-R -nojvmDisable the Java® Virtual Machine (JVM®), which is enabled by default. This can help improve the MATLAB Runtime performance.Select the No JVM check box.
-R -nodisplayOn Linux®, open the MATLAB Runtime without display functionality.In the Settings box, enter -R -nodisplay.
-R '-logfile,filename'Write information about the MATLAB Runtime startup to a logfile.Select the Create log file check box. Enter the path to the log file, including the log file name, in the Log File box.
-R '-startmsg,message'Specify message to be displayed when the MATLAB Runtime begins initialization.In the Settings box, enter -R 'startmsg, message text'.
-R '-completemsg,message'Specify message to be displayed when the MATLAB Runtime completes initialization.In the Settings box, enter -R 'completemsg, message text'.

Set Multiple Options Using -R

You can specify multiple -R options. When you specify multiple -R options, they are processed from left to right. For example, specify initialization start and end messages.

mcc -R '-startmsg,MATLAB Runtime initialized' -R '-completemsg,Initialization complete'

See Also


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